There is a large vacant piece of land smack in the middle of Woodbury. This parcel of land in front of Woodbury Elementary was mapped originally for 72 detached row houses similar to Cachette surrounding a park called Pear Tree Garden. This scheme was on the map on the website as recently as 2 weeks ago. I've noticed they have completely whited this portion out. (shaded in red for this purpose)
Back in July 2009, the Irvine Co gave a formal presentation to the Woodbury residents on their proposal with Brookfield to replace the original detached scheme with 99 triplex units packed into the site and eliminating Pear Tree Garden. (ala BK's BagOChips) The reason they gave for not proceeding with the original scheme was that these detached homes no longer fit with their economic calculations. The Woodbury residents built up a heavy organized resistance and stopped the project from moving forward. If this went forward, it would have also been on the menu on their 2010 series of homes.
I think the only way there will be activity on this piece of land again will be under two conditions: Pear Tree Garden returns, and having a neighborhood of detached homes. I'm comforted that the neighborhood was able to stop an atrocious plan, but leery to what the Irvine Co has got planned next. Personally wouldn't mind if it just became Permanent Open Space.
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<legend> Attached files </legend> <a href=""><img src="" class="gc-images" title="01woodburymap.jpg" style="max-width:300px" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" class="gc-images" title="TR 16690 map.jpg" style="max-width:300px" /></a> </fieldset>