IrvineNinja said:
I appreciate Yellow trying to educate potential buyers, and I think he is doing a good job deterring potential buyers from buying in Irvine. I think people coming here on this site will believe the list as accurate and think that Irvine has too many problems they never thought of.
Also, by his own admission, the list is malleable. This list is updated according to our inputs and the more a certain community owner provides feedback, the better the community may do on the list. I think that the owners who are not participating in the feedback because they are not on the forum will have no idea why people have stopped buying in their community and thereby why the value of their hard earned cash is going down.
Some may proactively seek negatives for other communities not their own and provide them to Yellow which may boost their communities standing on the list. But the problem is, if the value of other communities go down, so shall the value of all communities in Irvine as a whole eventually. When all communities are doing well in home prices, it just brings up the prices of all the communities in a city. There is a cascading effect long term with potential lowering enrollment, lowering home prices that will affect not only the lower standing communities on the list but will eventually affect the others on the list.
There are many more factors good and bad that are not factored into the list and as some already voiced here, Yellow's judgement on many of the communities is not quite accurate and for many not quite fair.
I am not knocking him for trying to help potential buyers, but unless he is an expert in logistics (and I know someone who actually does this type of thing for a profession), I think with his eagerness to help some, he is hurting a lot of people and steering away many from Irvine.
I appreciate the insight from you, Ninja. (And this is not going to be an attack on you
First of all, (and I'm speaking to everyone), personally I think it is
asinine, vile, putrid, disgusting, and despicable as a "Irvine" resident, that we would RATHER maintain our home values and "image" and let children (as many as possible) have the potential of getting brain cancer, leukemia, etc. all because we, as a TI community, WISHED this upon our neighbors, to buy expensive homes, and then not find out about all these hazards.
If my neighbor or sales agent at Orchard Hills discovered that the construction workers(home builders) were dumping paint thinner or disposing of stuff improperly, I would WANT to find out and know about it, where it's located, and not let my children be exposed to it or me being exposed to it.
To live in any sort of mentality of "Oh, they are dumping stuff in OH. Oh they are spraying Round-UP. Oh they are building 3 big cell towers here or substations here..." and then have the AUDACITY to keep it to yourself and not tell your friends, family, neighbors, and children about me is absolutely DESPICABLE and VILE and not to mention VERY SELFISH! And that reminds me, people in China DO This to their own people. Why do you think China is so hush-hush about everything in their environments? They have the same mentality as some of you are thinking: oh there is a problem in our neighborhood! but lets not tell anyone. let's keep it to ourselves!
In a time and age where we are demanding transparency from our GOVERNMENTS, from our city leaders, from our MANAGERS(our bosses), yet we cover this up for the sake of home values... to me is absolutely GARBAGE mentality and as a person.
Lastly, there is NOTHING that I've posted that hasn't ALREADY been discussed about in the past 5-10 years of TalkIrvine history. Let me refresh everyone's mind:
These are all previous TI topics and I did NOT start these!! :
Topic: Concerns over dump/great park contamination/truck pollution on sand canyon (Read 4458 times)
Topic: Bowerman landfill trash may "burn" one day? (Read 5642 times)
Topic: Landslides at Bowerman Landfill (Read 1187 times)
Topic: Can you smell the landfill? (Read 10383 times)
Topic: Bowerman landfill trash may "burn" one day? (Read 5641 times)
Topic: Portola Springs is right next to the Irvine Landfill (Read 14390 times)
Topic: Landfill and Portola Springs/Lambert Ranch /Stonegate/Pavilion Park (Read 929 times)
Topic: Landfill getting bigger? (Read 6686 times)
Topic: Landfill Proximity (Read 1617 times)
Topic: cypress village proposed cell tower (Read 9506 times)
Topic: Concerns about buying a home near a substation (Read 776 times)
Topic: EPA's final analysis of TCE - causes cancer (well duh) (Read 21793 times)
Topic: "Paydirt". Do not buy in Great Park until you watch this. (Read 17849 times)
Topic: Contamination under Irvine (Read 12527 times)
Topic: Navy Sealed El Toro Wells Without Thorough Inspection (Read 3514 times)
Topic: Contamination under Irvine (Read 12528 times)
Topic: Irvine water quality? Hair Advice? (Read 927 times)
Topic: Contamination under Irvine (Read 12529 times)
Topic: BP is it worth the health risk? (Read 12417 times)
Topic: Soil and groundwater contamination in PS3 ? (Read 6414 times)
Topic: Toxic Marine Base in Irvine (Read 7480 times)
Topic: Cleaning up Irvine's Toxic Plume with Gold
Topic: Veterans Cemetery coming to Irvine (
Read 310525 times)
Topic: Orchard Hills - Pesticides (Read 11219 times)
Topic: Concerns re: Aerial spraying of pesticide and exposure at Strada Orchard Hills (Read 4495 times)
Topic: New Cell Tower Planned Adjacent To The Great Park (Read 3013 times)
Topic: New Cell Tower in OH (Read 4007 times)
Topic: Is it safe to move into newly built house right after closing date? (Read 1521 times)
Topic: Ladera ranch and high rate of leukemia (Read 1511 times)
Topic: Testing at Portola High School (Read 15457 times)
and I can keep going on and on.
And it was YOU (IrvineNinja) who actually gave a thank you to the topic 5 years ago about the TCE contamination!!
(IrvineNinja, SoCal, Cubic Zirconia
For this post, 3 members gave a thank you!))
My point is this:
You guys(the naysayers) are all fu****** hypocrites on Talk Irvine because evidently, it's clear that these topics were ALREADY talked about in the past, already ruining the image, and the fact that people were talking about means people care about it. I happen to bring it to you in a bigger dose as a "one-stop-shop" and people are crying FOUL? F****** hypocrites man....