<p>Going back to the original topic: Unfortunate the numbers have gone up.</p>
Expected O.C. district teacher rise to 1,964
Capistrano will terminate 108 temporary teachers on top of 265 permanent teachers.
The Orange County Register
Orange County school districts are preparing to bid farewell to 1,964 teachers, according to updated numbers released Tuesday as districts finalize layoff plans. </p>
<p> </p>
<p>The cuts are in response to the state's plan to trim $4 billion from the amount California schools should receive under Prop. 98 rules -- a potential loss of $200 million in Orange County.</p>
<p>The latest trims come from the Saddleback Valley Unified, Tustin Unified, Capistrano Unified and Fullerton school districts:</p>
<p> </p>
Saddleback Valley Unified will bid farewell to 193 staff members, including 168 teachers. The district expects to send out notices for the equivalent of 60 full-time administrative and support posts next month.
Tustin said it will send notices for 38.4 teaching jobs, among other staff.
Capistrano Unified will send out 265 layoff notices to teachers, and will terminate 108 temporary.
Fullerton will not renew contracts for 65 temporary teachers.
<p>The Tustin numbers may include more teachers because part-time teachers are grouped together to calculate the total full-time job equivalents. </p>
<p><u>Capistrano Unified</u></p>
<p>Capistrano Unified will lay off 271 teachers, school administrators and staff for the next school year, part of a proposed plan to eventually trim about 430 jobs and cut $27 million from the South County district's budget for the next school year.</p>
<p>Layoff notices, approved by the school board Monday night, will go out by Friday.</p>
<p>Later this month, 108 temporary teachers will be notified that their one-year contracts won't be renewed. And in late April, the remainder of district employees, including bus drivers and maintenance workers, will receive layoff notices.</p>
<p>Fullerton School District trustees on Tuesday also approved plans to notify 28 permanent teachers that they may be re-assigned to other classrooms.</p>
<p>Assistant Superintendent Mark Douglas said none of the tenured instructors would lose their jobs. Some 25 classified workers will also be notified of possible layoffs over a two-year period.</p>
<p>Administrative salaries will be decreased, and administrators on special assignment may go back to the classroom, Douglas said.</p>
<p>The two-year budget reduction options include maximizing student-to-teacher ratios, eliminating technological stipends and cutting back custodial services, transportation, and maintenance and operation services, Assistant Superintendent Gary Cardinale said. </p>
<p><u>Tustin Unified</u></p>
<p>In Tustin, other approved reductions included sending layoff notices to 18 administrators, mostly K-12 assistant principals, and to 17 support staff members, including secretaries and custodians.</p>
<p>The district also approved plans to reduce half of the office materials and classroom supplies, including paper, pencils, copy machines and globes. Other proposed cuts include some bus routes and middle school sports including basketball and volleyball. Increased fees for facilities use and lunch are part of the plan as well.</p>
<p>To "have a fighting chance to get this money back, I would inundate (the legislative) offices with phone calls as many times as you can call a day," said board member Jonathan Abelove. </p>
<p>That sentiment was echoed by board member Francine Scinto, who said, "It's really important for them to hear from parents who really feel the impact of these cuts."</p>
<p><u>Saddleback Valley Unified</u></p>
<p>At Saddleback, the cuts will mean the end of the district’s rigorous International Baccalaureate program and a cultural geography course that is required of all high school freshmen. In the first through third grades, class sizes will be increased to about 30 students from 20, although half the day will still be spent in classes of 20.</p>
<p>Dozens of students crowded district headquarters Tuesday to protest the layoffs and cutbacks in the 34,000-student South County district. El Toro High School junior Lucia Kearney said that without funding for sports, music and activity directors, students could fall into a “destructive lifestyle” of partying, clubbing and underage drinking.</p>
<p>“If funds for activities are cut, I see us going down that road,” Kearney, 17, of Lake Forest told trustees. “… ASB creates the motivation that gets kids out of bed in the morning.”</p>
<p>Here are the currents cuts, district by district:</p>
<p><strong>Anaheim Elementary: </strong>75 temporary teachers</p>
<p><strong>Anaheim Union High: </strong>99</p>
<p><strong>Brea Olinda Unified: </strong>25 full-time, temporary and probationary teachers</p>
<p><strong>Buena Park: </strong>20</p>
<p><strong>Capistrano Unified: </strong>265 teachers, 108 temporary teachers</p>
<p><strong>Centralia Elementary: </strong>20 teachers, 40 to 50 non-classroom staff</p>
<p><strong>Cypress Elementary: </strong>20</p>
<p><strong>Fullerton Elementary: </strong>65 temporary teachers</p>
<p><strong>Huntington Beach City:</strong> 8 probationary and 17 temporary teachers</p>
<p><strong>Irvine Unified: </strong>251 temporary and part-time teachers</p>
<p><strong>Orange Unified: </strong>200</p>
<p><strong>Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified: </strong>Up to 125 non-classroom staff</p>
<p><strong>Saddleback Unified: </strong>168 teachers, 25 other staff and administrators</p>
<p><strong>Santa Ana Unified: </strong>570</p>
<p><strong>Tustin Unified: </strong>38.4</p>
<p><strong>Savanna: </strong>Up to 15</p>
<p><a href="http://www.ocregister.com/news/teachers-unified-fullerton-1997096-school-capistrano">www.ocregister.com/news/teachers-unified-fullerton-1997096-school-capistrano</a></p>