<p>I still say that education is more screwed up now than 30 years because society in general is more complicated now a days. Thirty years ago, many students were marginalized but survived because of good paying union jobs in factories and plants. Those job emphasizes dedication, loyalty, and focus more than intellectual and book smarts. Unfortunately, those jobs have gone by the way side and those "marginalized" students have nowhere to go. Not to mention that just about everyone has college degree now and you really need a professional degree to get a "good paying" job. </p>
<p>On top of all that is the breakdown in the family structure and the increased incarcineration rate of minority leading to lower (much lower) focus by the students and their families on educations. Additionally, gang violence, drugs, teenage pregnancy, abusive family, poverty, and general hopelessness have pushed down many students from achieving their full potential. I mean, I know I would not have done very well in school if I a) knew that I could get shot walking home from school, b) has an alcoholic father who beats my mom and/or me or c) have to take care of my brothers and sisters while my mom and/or dad work double shifts to make ends meet. </p>
<p>Those things are not excuses but they are reality for many students. It is still up to the student to do well but it is too easy to push education down on the importance scale.</p>