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    Thats a little more one per week. Then this line: There are 5600 D1 men’s bball players. Roughly 54% give or take are African American.
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    coronavirus doesn’t sound too rare.
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    How does the risk work out post jab versus post Covid? BTW, hospitals have not recovered yet. Go to the ER in the morning and if you need to be admitted, you’ll be lucky to get one before midnight. go to the Er with heart issues, you may b treated in the waiting room because the beds in the...
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    Buying as investment

    We bought 13 years ago. Bubble bust, worst buyers market ever. Sure the prices looked good, but getting your offer accepted on an actual habitable home was like getting a record deal on the Sunset circuit in the 80s. The market is better than then but still cruddy. Suffers the same can’t buy...
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    EV/Plug-in/Other vehicles

    That 150 kWh battery weighs in at only 575KG, about 50% more than my Chevy bolt battery but packing 2.5x kWh. Even with the added weight, probably push me 400 miles at free range highway speeds with the AC blasting.
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    If you were to move out of Irvine (and California), where would you buy a home today?

    it’s the same problem many small dying rural towns have. The people age, there spending in local businesses decreases, once their age hits a tipping point, many go into deferred maintenance mode on the homes and subsequently spend even less in the local businesses. The businesses close...
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    If you were to move out of Irvine (and California), where would you buy a home today?

    It's not a city thing, it's a resident age thing. You already see it in the older neighborhoods of Irvine. The challenge for cities is to get people once their kids are out of high school to get out of their house and into a smaller lower maintenance house and yard.
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    Aqua Fit / other

    Depends lots of gym class instructors have a misguided rhabdo mentality. The disconnect between instructors and middle/late middle age is huge. I need to loosen my hips and ‘total beginner’ instruction demonstrates pigeon pose. tjdgi.
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    Compost Container

    Kick backs to the politicians awarding the contracts. Err, I mean campaign contributions.
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    Compost Container

    If you have waste management as your trash vendor, they've gone aggressive in charging for 'violations'. Trash in the recycle, food in the trash, etc. We got a fine notice for trash in our recycle, it was a white kitchen trash bag that lines the bin that was filled with recyclables. That...
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    Presidential Elections

    The ultra short take is Pence and Biden RETURNED them and cooperated when it was discovered. Trump did the opposite.
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    Insurance rate increases

    For our IE rental, complex insurance doubled for half the coverage after primary carrier exited. I personally expect insurance in wildfire prone areas is going the way the CEA.
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    'Wokeness' in IUSD and TUSD?

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    'Wokeness' in IUSD and TUSD?

    Priority is to existing TUSD students over inter district transfers. This includes siblings of inter district transfers that have been admitted, they are treated like a TUSD student.
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    'Wokeness' in IUSD and TUSD?

    Maryland like most States has opt out options for parents. the key is are they protesting a concept or an actually objectionable curriculum item
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    'Wokeness' in IUSD and TUSD?

    That’s already happening at all the school board meetings locally.
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    'Wokeness' in IUSD and TUSD?

    TUSD parent. JIMHO, there is no indoctrination for wokeness. (In k-8 TUSD) if your definition of woke though runs more sensitive, yes, your child may encounter another child with same sex parents. There may be a book in the teacher’s collection of books for the kids to borrow that are banned...
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    ICE or EV?

    Still smells like bacon. Mmm, long pork, the other white meat.
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    Katie Porter voted no on the debt ceiling bill.

    Enough said.