Aqua Fit / other

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Anyone have an adult pool exercise class they like? I'm looking anywhere from mid-Irvine to south O.C.

I already belong to one near my home. The exercises are OK but plenty of other things about it are not ok like water quality, cutting classes, etc., which make me want to find a replacement. Some of my classmates told me that these type of classes were shut down at gyms and other facilities and have never reopened. That makes the search difficult. I'm open to any type of water exercise such as Aqua Fit, Aqua Zumba, etc. Just not looking for a stroke clinic to improve form. Let me know if you have one you like.
I thought aqua aerobics are only for senior citizens? Maybe I watched Cocoon too many times.
Depends lots of gym class instructors have a misguided rhabdo mentality.

The disconnect between instructors and middle/late middle age is huge. I need to loosen my hips and ‘total beginner’ instruction demonstrates pigeon pose. tjdgi.
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