Compost Container

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program

Hugo Township

Active member
Apparently we now have to dump food waste into the green bin, and we got a tiny compost container to have in the house. I would rather just have another trash can in the house that we designate as food waste, but the complication seems to be that liners aren't allowed into the green bin, including so-called biodegradeable / compostable liners. How can I have an easy bin in the house without things getting really gross really quickly?
Sounds gross :(
It's actually not. Because it's frozen.

We don't have a food waste bin, so all wastes go to the regular trash bin. So what my wife has always done is putting all the fatty portion that she cuts out and the bones in a bag and store it in the freezer. And we just throw it out on trash day. If you just dump the food waste in the trash bin, then it would attract pests, especially cockroaches, and my wife is terrified of cockroaches.
<channeling morekaos>

Why bother? Food waste gonna food waste.

If you have waste management as your trash vendor, they've gone aggressive in charging for 'violations'. Trash in the recycle, food in the trash, etc. We got a fine notice for trash in our recycle, it was a white kitchen trash bag that lines the bin that was filled with recyclables.

That was three weeks ago and the bill won't come for four more weeks, so no idea what the 'fine' is.
If you have waste management as your trash vendor, they've gone aggressive in charging for 'violations'. Trash in the recycle, food in the trash, etc. We got a fine notice for trash in our recycle, it was a white kitchen trash bag that lines the bin that was filled with recyclables.

That was three weeks ago and the bill won't come for four more weeks, so no idea what the 'fine' is.
I've noticed that WM is much more aggressive in Irvine than in Eastvale. When I first moved here, I got a notice that I had non-recyclable items in the recycle bin even though we've put the same items in the recycle bin in Eastvale. And WM just left those items there. At least I didn't get a fine. Maybe because they knew that we were new in town.
Or that you were Eastvale gangstas who would avenge any trash fine.

I've been doing something with plastic bags that eventually might generate a fine. I've tried to google this but I get 2 answers:

1. Plastic bags should only be recycled at grocery stores with those plastic bags bins.
2. Plastic bags are fine in the recycle bin as long as you group/combine them all into a single plastic bag.

I've used to do #1 but am now doing #2 and haven't received any violations (although I am on autopay for WM so not sure if there has been a letter sent that I just didn't open).

Food waste is going to be interesting because how picky are they going to get? Sometimes it's just easier to trash something and if you have kids, you can't really control what they throw in the trash (as many times, recyclable stuff ends up there).
What the hell do people pay them for?? They should do their damn jobs and take and sort the trash. CR&R is pretty easy going and I have not experienced any of these issues.
I've been doing something with plastic bags that eventually might generate a fine.
I also received a violation notice (no fine) and after reviewing the video, it seems it was for the plastic bag that contained recyclables. Since then, I dump the contents in the bin and bag itself in the trash and haven’t received a violation notice lately.
From Irvine's WM page:

Single use plastics such as grocery bags and plastic film can pose a serious environmental issue if not properly handled. Loose bags can be carried by the wind into storm drains and out to sea, while non-recycled bags can take decades to degrade if disposed of at landfills.

As such, Waste Management and the City of Irvine strongly encourage reusable bags whenever possible. However, if you find yourself needing to dispose of plastic bags, there are recycling options. For the most environmentally sustainable method and highest recoverability rate, please return your plastic bags to a participating retail center for recycling. You can find your nearest drop-off location at is external). If placed in the recycling cart, please bundle plastic bags separately and keep all other recyclable items “loose” or unbagged. Please note that it is advised you return plastic bags directly to a retail center as plastic bags can break apart and degrade during mechanical processing at co-mingled recycling facilities. View additional tips regarding plastic pollution reduction.

But as zovall said above, WM says no plastic bags which is why I asked my question.

I don't want to put them in the trash so I guess I should just take them with me to a grocery store.
Ever since moving to Irvine, I've been checking every item to see if it has the recyclable logo on it before putting it in the recycle bin.
What the hell do people pay them for?? They should do their damn jobs and take and sort the trash. CR&R is pretty easy going and I have not experienced any of these issues.
Kick backs to the politicians awarding the contracts. Err, I mean campaign contributions.