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  1. F

    Furniture Stores

    You may find it of interest that the flame retardants used in furniture today are NOT on the Prop 65 list.  There is a lot of controversy surrounding flame retardants-  but they are a separate issue from Prop 65.
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    Official Board Games Thread

    +1 for Blokus-  easy to learn- hard to master.
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    I've got a qualified tenant available for you!

    Also be careful of criminals "stealing" your rental listing then posing as the owner (you) to collect rental deposits, etc.  Though you wouldn't be liable-  you would have to deal with the aftermath of disappointed pseudo tenants.  All very sad..... I saw a Branches plan 3 model listed on...
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    Friday Boredom - What does Tyler NOT know?

    I'm sad that he left-  Tyler if you are reading this - thanks for all your insight and info.  I always knew you were good for an answer :)
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    Anyone here sick and tired of all this home building

    You can tell that it is a reclaimed system by the lilac purple color fittings-  but that begs the question- if this is already taking place in Irvine,  why can't individual homeowners also participate?  I know that the laws surrounding water rights/distribution are complicated-  but this seems...
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    Newer Irvine listings with crazy WTF asking prices from equity sellers

    OMG-  that pic is too funny!  Thanks so much for a good laugh to start the day  :D
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    3-Car Garage Homes

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    Anyone here sick and tired of all this home building

    Are grey water systems legal in Irvine?  I know that the city uses it for city owned landscaping-- but why not require new developments to install them in all new homes?
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    Move to a home next to a school, but might not get in?

    If trends hold,  many schools will have multiple grade levels closed (4th and 6th grade was especially tight this school year). Current year is shown at the bottom on the page.  Only 7 out of 22 were NOT closed on atleast...
  11. F

    Furniture Stores

    Each year the state of CA adds chemicals to the Prop 65 list.  In 2013 they added several chemicals that are found in some types of foam and other parts of furniture.  This is part of the reason you are seeing more Prop 65 labels in the furniture stores lately. I also noticed a Prop 65 notice...
  12. F

    What A Difference 1 Month Can Make...

    Heard that this house had some serious liens against it (+2million) which is why it sat on the market so long the first time.  The buyers probably had significant legal fees to clear them in addition to the remodel costs. Former owner was a realtor ;).
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    7 passenger cars

    We had an MDX for years then went to the Infinity QX56  for more room.  I have to agree with Bones about mini vans too :).
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    NO Rumor- Irvine Company to tear down Woodbridge Village Center

    PS-  Anyone heard what is going on with the old Water's site across the street?  Heard that the roof is off, and (another) rumor is that they are tearing it down.  It's been vacant a long time.
  15. F

    NO Rumor- Irvine Company to tear down Woodbridge Village Center

    Much of that center had turned into medical offices over the years, but many of those are vacant.  Heard that Champagne's lease was not renewed,  but cannot confirm that.    I googled leases in that center and found something that said no were available.  Guess we will need to watch and see.
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    Window treatments

    Smith & Noble is great if you are looking for certain colors.  If you want inexpensive-  try  They run sales everyday of the week.  We have both (cellular shades) and both have held up well. 
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    NO Rumor- Irvine Company to tear down Woodbridge Village Center

    And build low/medium density housing on the site?  Anyone else hear this rumor?  Heard leases in the center are not being renewed. ?
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    Bubble Swing Listings

    The curse of 14 strikes again ;)
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    Homes by investors

    Went to the open house today -  crazy busy!  It will end up selling well above asking price IMO.
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    Furniture Stores

    West Elm and Pottery Barn are sister companies,  though they don't share many of the same suppliers.  Much of the upholstery you see at Crate, PB, Z Gallerie, and Room and Board are from the same manufacturers  (ie. Bernhardt, Mitchell Gold, etc).  Only Pottery Barn has their own...