Official Board Games Thread

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What are some of the board games you guys are playing or know of?  My friends and I just recently played Dutch Blitz after not playing for a couple years.  The game is fast paced and gets pretty competitive.  I highly recommend it.

Bananagrams is pretty fun and intense too.  It's sort of like scrabble but you create your own board of words and compete against others.

Cranium is always fun.  Friends and I used to play a lot in college.

Classics like Taboo are fun as well.

(INB4 candyland, mouse trap, and other various children's game that will derail the thread, haha)
Used to play Settlers of Cataan.

Monopoly is still fun once in a while, we have a kids version (and also the game of Life).

And Uno is fun with kids.
I'm addicted to Blokus.

If any of us ever meet up, I'll challenge you to a round of Blokus.


We like Tetris Link, too. And it's been a while since I've played but I like Othello.



And who doesn't like Chess?
Mahjong is a game.  Walked past a neighbor's house that had some Chinese decorations, I tried to listen to see if I could hear any Mahjong but unforunately no.  The wife still wants a mahjong table.  Bones, you have one for sale?  ;)

Best game ever, $12 at Target right now, I remember they use to be made out of metal???  Very migraine inducing