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  1. F

    Is it better to buy or rent?

    it also shows you that there is so many factors to consider that it is almost impossible to make a good prediction of what is better...
  2. F

    Fix my mortgage? or leave it as an ARM?

    i don't understand anyone who has a house and mortgage and just pays interest... why in heaving aren't you just renting in that case... and your payment on an IO only loan will eventually ballon to start paying for that principle you havn't starting paying yet, plus interest might be higher...
  3. F

    Weighing my options.

    with no rental history (less than a year), the rental income will not be consider for your overall income, making it harder to qualify for a loan, since you have to proof that you can pay for two mortgages (without the rental income) so moving into a rental, renting your condo out, might...
  4. F

    the next bail out... kill yourself or try.... mortage has been forgiven to the lady... let me guess... suicide attempts will rise...
  5. F

    Villages of Columbus - Columbus Square - Camden Place

    that sounds about right... what was your purchase prize, somewhere around $500k ?
  6. F

    This is sad but hillarious at the same time...

    the newest spin is that god told them to get in over their head....