Search results

  1. zubs_IHB

    Has Santa Ana or Riverside seen the worst yet?

    As much as I would like to see prices drop further, you have to know that you are dealing with a government that is doing all it can to keep RE from going down. In all of your pricing equations and foreclosure metrics, you are still sitting across the table in a poker match against the Federal...
  2. zubs_IHB

    Has Santa Ana or Riverside seen the worst yet?

    Riverside & Santa Ana are at the bottom or 5% from it. A lot of the properties are already at the cost of construction. Although they are at the bottom, you will not see price appreciation for long long years.
  3. zubs_IHB

    Buyer's Remorse (A Tale of Two Houses)

    I think you made the right decision buying the SFR rather than the condo. After the remodel, you will be very happy.
  4. zubs_IHB

    Our Houston Home Has a Buyer

    Prices are not going to go up.....and they have a big chance of going down due to shadow inventory. So the best strategy right now is to wait because it gives the outcome with the highest estimated value. I think you would be safe to wait for the huge drop atleast until 2011. After that...
  5. zubs_IHB

    Market Update

    In all fairness, Nude called him Junior before Rolar called him clown. carry on.
  6. zubs_IHB

    Loan Mod? No Problema.

    You guys are arguing with someone that is not right in the head. You guys need to stop talking to him..and ignore him. I am realizing with more and more clarity that he doesn't know what he is talking about. I know some of you reached this point sooner than I. I would like to think that I...
  7. zubs_IHB

    IHB Forum As An Economic Indicator - Address Threads

    Thank you for sharing Meredith Whitney's accolades. It does lend weight to her ideas and predictions......also as far as I'm concerned 25% collapse in price is collapsing... If I lost 25% of my business, I would be cutting my employee hours.
  8. zubs_IHB

    IHB Forum As An Economic Indicator - Address Threads

    Not a bad come back. I don't know Meridith Whitney. It's not a bad thing to question it. Apparently Madoff was also a well respected giant on wall street.
  9. zubs_IHB

    IHB Forum As An Economic Indicator - Address Threads

    Newportskipper - Why do you write in 1 line responses? Your communication skills are poor. It's like there is a lot of shit going through your head, and you expect everyone to understand it already. I'll be honest with you. I'm stupid. I don't know what a lot of people are talking...
  10. zubs_IHB

    IrvineRealtor?s Proposal:

    If you want to tour a home, it should like $100 / house. Then if you toured 5 houses, it would be $500 bucks. Then if you buy one, the money should be refunded....anyway something like that.
  11. zubs_IHB

    What Would You Do?

    The person I know who moved to SF makes about 160,000. He made only 90,000 in LA. He is single.
  12. zubs_IHB

    What do you guys think of old Sunny Hills in Fullerton?

    I like the uniform at sunnyhills highschool. RED n Black.....very aggressive colors. I played football vs. them throughout highschool. They weren't very good back then. They got smashed....but I always liked their uniforms.
  13. zubs_IHB

    What Would You Do?

    I know someone who had this happen to them. He moved to SF and kept his home in LA. He's now renting the LA home and is hemorrhaging 1400 a month. He is renting in SF.
  14. zubs_IHB

    Mortgage questions for a local Professional??

    It will take you about 6 months to build a reputation on this board before you can possibly make money slinging your mortgages. The peanut gallery needs to get a feeling about you before we trust you. Otherwise we'd just use soylent green....I'm not even sure if he even is selling mortgages...
  15. zubs_IHB

    "4 weeks and then all hell breaks loose"

    I'm a nub here, and I never thought IHB had a frat house mentality. If you had a question, people answered it for you and were nice enough about it. If you had differing opinions with the regulars here, then you would be told why you are wrong. If you persisted, then you were destroyed and...
  16. zubs_IHB

    Living with Bad Credit

    That's means less competition for the house I want!
  17. zubs_IHB

    How do I begin?

    I'm not a professional, but I will give my opinion. When you start a new business, there must be a core competency or advantage for your business vs. competition. For a realestate agent, I believe their advantage would be their network. If you have a bunch of friends and family that are rich...
  18. zubs_IHB

    A Story of a Real Estate Buy in Today's Environment (or Mazzy's Revenge Part II)

    I'm sure those waivers don't mean anything. America is so litigious that builders try to put everything into their contracts. Saying that though, I wonder how much that waiver drops property values. There must have been a break even analysis done on expectation of lawsuit costs vs. estimated...
  19. zubs_IHB

    Realtor #1 Story and Question

    Yeah it kinda sucks that he thinks you used him. Did he spend a lot of time with you? Sales people will go out of their way to make you feel special so that you will be guilted into buying something from them. This psychology also works in dating when you buy your date the lobster dinner...