One could look at the Palisades as to how much "value" of their home really is there after all. For example, some folks bought in late 2024 only to see the property vanish in January.
Now lots in that same area are for sale at some pretty high prices:
At $600 PSF to rebuild (low, IMHO) and carry costs for 2-3 years, it's hard to say if final values will be stretched into the $4-6M range once the entire area comes back. Some premium lots might be pushed higher than this one on Edgar, but if you were to build to speculate, one has to wonder what LA's "Mansion Tax" will do to resale values.
Putting so much cash into equity can be a dangerous thing. For this development, $4m - $5m (remember, landscape costs.....) for a 2-3 CG "same as the house 2 doors down" just doesn't pencil in the long run.