Presidential Elections

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We're talking about hoses on the presidential election thread.
It's FRIDAY so just fucking around. LOL

I just put one of the many heads I own on the teemu hose....cause I bought so many hoses that sprung a leak in the past.

Anyway $42.99 for the costco pocket hose 50FT. The TEEMU hose is about $15.
However, I bet after 2 years, you can take it back to costco for a full refund!
We're talking about hoses on the presidential election thread.
It's FRIDAY so just fucking around. LOL

Anyway $42.99 for the costco pocket hose 50FT. The TEEMU hose is about $15.
However, I bet after 2 years, you can take it back to costco for a full refund!
I should start a new thread to discuss hoses so we can stay on topic here :-)
Like many readers here it's been a long slog and the subject matter has been beaten into a fine mist. My hope is that by the 2nd week after the inauguration we may find this thread with zero activity - a good thing because at some point people simply have to move on.

PS. Soylent Red bought one of those "no kink" coiled hoses off of Amazon. It's as purple as one of Morekaos's posts, and I hate it with the strength of a thousand white hot suns. The coils tangle up and kink. The hose throttles down the water pressure, and fittings that leak but hey, it's purple! Do not allow one of these hoses at or near your home. They are garbage.
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I owned this hose until it broke. It kind of sucks. The twisting nozzle threads degraded and it became very difficult to adjust. There's also no way to spray with lower pressure aside from turning the spigot down, so when I wanted to water some loose soil or delicate plants it made a mess or knocked off flower petals. Eventually the hose tore and would spray water everywhere. I still like the concept of a long hose that shrinks for convenient storage. This one does everything the pocket hose does, but better.
Home Depot also sells the Copper version but for $60 vs Costco's $42.

I always wonder if the "trim" difference in Pocket Hoses are worth the cost.

And these are all made in China anyways so I have a no-name version for like $15 that has been working for a few years now.
"January 6th" is the "Russia, Russia, Russia" of today. Post election combative actions are nothing new. Go down the corridors of history and you'll find many examples of riotous behavior in The Capitol and at The White House from the very founding of the Republic.

Ask anyone on the Left if the 2000 Bush v Gore election was "stolen" or if Bush was "coronated" by SCOTUS. The facts are that Florida's votes did not go Al Gores way, but the Left still fights on 24 years later.

Speaking of "Russia, Russia, Russia", what HRC did in creating a completely false narrative about Russian collusion is in many ways worse than January 6th. Careers were ruined and opportunities lost during 45's Presidency. Just because Cankles didn't break the glass ceiling in no way gave her the right to burn the whole place down.

45 wanted to completely deny the results of the 2020 election - something which is nothing new. Sadly there was a wholey preventable riot had the requested National Guard troops been allowed into DC but some didn't want that to happen. We see the results of that decision clearly. Still, 45 left office peacefully and on time, without trashing the White House as the Clintonistas did in 2000. (Google is your friend here if the context is lost)

Even now, the Left ( Jamie Raskin, et al) is saying openly they will not certify the 2024 election results if 45 is elected to be 47. They are planning lawfare from November 7th on to deny The Coppertone Caligula victory (Marc Elias) yet no one seems to care about that sort of election denial, do they?

Was January 6th bad? Sure. Was it unusual? Not really, which is why when I hear "BUT...JANUARY 6TH" I fall asleep from the effects of an acute case of HCBS - Historical Context Boredom Syndrome.
Minimize all you want, none of what you list is equivalent. morekaos would be pooping all over TI had Obama not ceded to Trump.

I'm pretty sure you were appalled by this when it was happening but your political ego won't let you admit it.

Jan 6 was wrong, Trump encouraged it. Facts.
I might just vote for Jill Stein, just for fun as my vote really doesn’t count here in California anyway😂😂😂

‘Abandon Harris’ movement expands into swing states, calls VP a ‘cease-fire teaser’​

The group, which operates as “Abandon Harris,” announced the push into the battleground states on Friday. It also plans an extensive effort to steer voters away from Ms. Harris and toward Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate whom Abandon Harris has endorsed.

I’m happy to see the good people of Irvine California having a civil debate about tariffs. This is how Democracy is supposed to work, and a preview of our return back to a civil society, where intelligent discourse leads to compromise.

Most Americans agree on 95% of the issues, we just let disinformation make it appear that we disagree more than we actually do.

Trump tariffs would increase laptop prices by $350+, other electronics by as much as 40%

“Tariffs are regressive taxes that Americans pay. They’re not paid by a foreign government,” Ed Brzytwa, CTA’s VP of International Trade, told Tom’s Hardware. “They're taxes that importers in the United States pay and foreign governments and foreign countries do not pay those tariffs. So when I say they're regressive, it means that they harm poor people and people of little means more than they harm wealthy people.”
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Foreign election interference anyone?

Does anyone really expect the NYT/WaPo, The View or MSNBC hosts to clutch their pearls and stagger towards their fainting couch? Of course not, because it's only bad when the other side does it...

Special note: There is one "continue reading" click through. Do so please to read a Tweet of The Year candidate at the end of the article. You won't be signed up for anything or asked for an email address.

Exclusive: Trump ground game in key states flagged as potentially fake​

I see Trump is running his operations just like a true authoritarian would. Outsourcing to oligarchs like Elon Musk, along with signature corruption and fake reporting lol.

Authoritarian regimes always have poor results compared with Democracy.

The unusual activity logs, for instance, showed a canvasser who was marked by GPS as sitting at a Guayo’s On the Trail restaurant half a mile away from the doors he was supposedly hitting in Globe, Arizona. Another canvasser was recorded marking voters as “not home” two blocks away from that apartment.

Bahahahahah…she’s right😂😂😂😂🤦🏽‍♂️

Pop star Lizzo has sparked an uproar after she promised that America would look like Detroit if Kamala Harris was elected to the White House.

The star, real name Melissa Viviane Jefferson, said: 'I'm so proud to be from this city, you know they say if Kamala wins then the whole country will be like Detroit.
'Proud like Detroit, resilient like Detroit. The same Detroit that innovated the auto industry and the music industry. Put some respect on Detroit's name.'
Her comments have since been blasted on social media after users pointed out that the city has been in a state of decay and decline for decades.