Presidential Elections

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It's been almost 60 days since I asked anyone to provide 3 examples of a Kamala Harris achievement.

Nothing yet....

Now I've asked another reasonably simple question: Tell me how Trump Tariffs impacted you personally? The only answer so far has been ". ...But...But ... JANUARY 6TH!!!!"


It's as if some don't want to answer two pretty simple questions about their choice in November.
Google search tells you that tarrifs are a tax paid by US companies who pass that cost on in some form to the consumer.
So, following your logic, wouldn’t an increase in the corporate tax level also be passed directly onto consumers in the form of higher prices? And fuel inflation even more? Who wants to raise corporate tax levels by almost 100%? Hmmm… Let me think.🤦🏽‍♂️😂😂😂👎🏽🦄🐬
So, following your logic, wouldn’t an increase in the corporate tax level also be passed directly onto consumers in the form of higher prices? And fuel inflation even more? Who wants to raise corporate tax levels by almost 100%? Hmmm… Let me think.🤦🏽‍♂️😂😂😂👎🏽🦄🐬
So you agree that tariffs are a tax? Tell your guy.
So you agree that tariffs are a tax? Tell your guy.
no, I said following your logic, I don’t agree with you….”What many economists and people fail to recognize is Trump uses tariffs as a negotiating tool. This is much different than a blanket tariff with no thought behind it. This give the US leverage in negotiations and for once gives the US the upper hand in trade deals”
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Cuban must have been watching a re-run of Aliens while high on acid…this is what the rest of the Country saw…😂😂😂😂😂🤦🏽‍♂️👍🏽🇺🇸

The PR Fallout of the Kamala Harris FOX News Interview​

And Kamala Harris?

It wasn’t just that she was rude, unsteady and off-putting. And it wasn’t that she’s absolutely incapable of improvising answers — when she’s not 100% reciting a script, she flounders about like a fish out of water.

Nor was it her penchant for constantly chanting, “Let me be clear!” before proceeding with the least clear gobbledygook imaginable.

It’s that she came across as the lesser.
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Is this a serious question?

You don't think the tarrifs affected COGs?

Why does everyone believe what Trump says as fact? Google search tells you that tarrifs are a tax paid by US companies who pass that cost on in some form to the consumer.
Are Trumpers so ignorant that they don't know that tariffs is basically a form of tax for American consumers? It's NOT China paying for it, it's American consumers paying for it.
Tell me again how you were personally impacted by the Trump Tariffs please.

Not at all? So evidently all these tall tales of TARIFF ARMAGEDDON seem then to be confirmed as the steaming pile of feces they've always been.

Now that we're past that issue, what are Kopy Kat Kamala's 3 personally constructed policies of importance achieved during her 30 years of government service?

Still nothing? Why am I not surprised?
Tariffs cause inflation.

I use to buy $500,000 of parts from China.
After the 25% tariff Trump installed in 2018, my customer found a new supplier not in China, however, the part is now more expensive.

China is the cheapest and most reliable manufacturer in the world. Putting a 60% tariff on them will mean prices for made in China goods will be going up atleast 30% because moving it to a more expensive manufacturer not in China with only 10% tariff will still increase prices in USA.

Everytime I get hit with a tariff, I increase my price to my customer. They understand, and ask if I can move production to USA or Mexico. I tell them I'm not gonna invest in a new plant in USA or Mexico when we don't know what will happen with tariffs in the future. It's also 3X more expensive to make it in USA.

Personally I don't have production in China anymore since that 25% Tariff a few years back. The 60% tariff trump is threatening to put on China will make me richer and cause massive inflation.
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Another interesting thing about tariffs is a company can apply for exemptions.
Say elon wants to sell his China made Tesla Y in USA. He can ask the US government for exemption from the 100% tariff.
I'm not sure if Trump can just give it to him, but I'm sure it would make it easier.
Tell me again how you were personally impacted by the Trump Tariffs please.

Not at all? So evidently all these tall tales of TARIFF ARMAGEDDON seem then to be confirmed as the steaming pile of feces they've always been.

Now that we're past that issue, what are Kopy Kat Kamala's 3 personally constructed policies of importance achieved during her 30 years of government service?

Still nothing? Why am I not surprised?
I can name a few as like zubs I deal with actual goods and not just services.

The one that sticks out to me is ebikes: Almost all are made in China and every brand sent notices to consumers that they are raising their prices due to tarrifs.

Tell me why almost anything you buy is more expensive? Inflation? Yes. Biden economy? Maybe. Tarrifs? Absolutely. If it's not made in China, the packages it comes in are.

Why does this logic elude you?
I can name a few as like zubs I deal with actual goods and not just services.

The one that sticks out to me is ebikes: Almost all are made in China and every brand sent notices to consumers that they are raising their prices due to tarrifs.

Tell me why almost anything you buy is more expensive? Inflation? Yes. Biden economy? Maybe. Tarrifs? Absolutely. If it's not made in China, the packages it comes in are.

Why does this logic elude you?
MAGAs don't use logic. That's why they vote for Trump.
I can name a few as like zubs I deal with actual goods and not just services.

The one that sticks out to me is ebikes: Almost all are made in China and every brand sent notices to consumers that they are raising their prices due to tarrifs.

Tell me why almost anything you buy is more expensive? Inflation? Yes. Biden economy? Maybe. Tarrifs? Absolutely. If it's not made in China, the packages it comes in are.

Why does this logic elude you?

Nothing eludes me.

I've only asked for personal impacts of these tariffs. So far, I've heard of business impacts, not personal. So... an E-Bike is more expensive. That's hardly moving the needle much, but yes, an impact none the less. With all of the E-Bike Koooks zooming around I'd rather see the tariffs at 2000 percent so that adults only can buy them... But that's a discussion for another time.

Did anyone's business fail because of these tariffs? Doesn't sound like it. Did anyone not get their bonus in 2018-2019 because of these tariffs? Not really known at this time, but doubtful. This means to me that it's possible to absorb the tariff expense, or work with another supplier who can partially offset the expense. Not the Armageddon!!!! scenario we're being sold by Blue politicos.

I'm perfectly fine with prices being higher as long as the reasoning behind it is solid. Example? I'd rather pay $6.00 for an avocado, as long as the workers are paid a living wage and not the slave wages they are today. The Lefties (and yes, some Righties) want wide open borders for cheap labor - a scenario we fought a Civil War over 160 years ago. I'd prefer to see wiser men avoid this than accept the status quo.
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Actually... that's why I brought up the ebikes... at least 5 brands that I know of, have closed in the last 6 years. Juiced just announced their closure last week. As for businesses, where did Pedego Irvine go? If you read the retail thread... how many stores have gone under?

Just admit it... you are biased on this, almost as much as morekaos... it's okay... but don't pretend tariffs have no effect on cost of goods or our economy.

Inflation doesn't come from nowhere. There are tons of articles that explained how tariffs have affected the economy, are you just ignoring that?