ICE or EV?

Which car(s) will you be buying next?

  • ICE ICE Baby (morekaos dinosaur option)

    Votes: 12 29.3%
  • EV forEVa (unicorns for all)

    Votes: 23 56.1%
  • PHEV (I still have range anxiety)

    Votes: 4 9.8%
  • Hybrid (can't plug in yet)

    Votes: 5 12.2%
  • Alternative fuel (Hydrogen, vegetable oil, etc)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 2.4%

  • Total voters
NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Just a shiny expensive toy for the rich…not much more…😂😂😂🦄🌈

34-year-old earning $400,000 a year: I regret buying a brand-new Tesla—it was a ‘huge mistake’​

Electric cars, and Teslas specifically, may depreciate even faster. Electric vehicles lose their value at an average rate of 49% in the first five years, compared with about 39% for all vehicles, a 2023 study by iSeeCars found. Teslas are among some of the worst at retaining their value, with Model 3s losing an average 43% of their value in five years.


Electric vehicles lose 49% of their sticker price. Not what they actually *cost* people. That's a big difference, and actually puts electric vehicles ahead of ICE cars.
Also for the record, me recognizing Larry was moron who misjudged the market back in 2009 was one of the best financial decisions of my life. and I think about it occasionally when I pull up to my ~2.4m house that I bought with equity from my previous place in Irvine.
Producing what the consumer wants…More big gas powered SUV’s and cutting back on what they don’t want…EV’s…that is how to run a profitable company, about time the morons in charge realized it…🤷🏽‍♂️😂😂😂👍🏽🇺🇸

GM to increase production of high-performance Cadillac Escalade V8 SUV

Cadillac said it will increase production of the 2025 Escalade V-Series, which was introduced two years ago, after not being able to meet demand for the current model year. Officials declined to specify how much production will increase.

“We are increasing production to help meet customer demand for the pinnacle of Escalade performance, luxury and craftsmanship, while maintaining exclusivity,” a Cadillac spokeswoman told CNBC.

Correcting mistakes for reality and some irrational exuberance…let’s get back to running businesses and making money and get off the Unicorn and Rainbow slush fund….🤦🏽‍♂️😂😂😂👍🏽🇺🇸

Ford to spend $3 billion to expand large truck production to a plant previously set for EVs

· Ford Motor will expand production of its large Super Duty trucks to a Canadian plant that was previously set to be converted into an all-electric vehicle hub.

· The new plans include investing about $3 billion to expand Super Duty production, including $2.3 billion at Ford’s Oakville Assembly Complex in Ontario, Canada, Ford said Thursday.

· Ford said the Canadian plant, which is expected to come online in 2026, will add annual capacity of roughly 100,000 units of the highly profitable pickups.

The announcement comes weeks after Farley said full electrification of “big, huge, enormous” vehicles such as Ford’s Super Duty trucks was “never going to make money.”
Markets have a funny way of clarifying reality for dumb CEO’s. Farley is a moron who bought into the whole Green new Steal Utopia….He is now being forced to face the music but he still is delusional…🤦🏽‍♂️😂😂😂👎🏽🦄🌈

Ford's Latest Pivot Shows That the EV Craze Has Fizzled Out

“We have to start to get back in love with smaller vehicles. It’s super important for our society and for EV adoption,” Farley
said at the time. “We are just in love with these monster vehicles, and I love them too, but it’s a major issue with weight.”

Sorry, but that’s not happening anytime soon.

Back in the spring, my PJ Media colleague and friend Stephen Green reminded us that “we're still far, far away from the end of dino-burning engines — and likely to stay that way for far longer than the grifters in the EV industry and the autocrats in Washington (and several states, too) would have you believe.” Ford is proving VodkaPundit — and others of us who have said the same things — right.

Turning out just like they said…promises made…promises kept…cheaper, cleaner more abundant transportation….don’t you feel the least bit duped by this too?....🤷🏽‍♂️😂😂😂🦄🌈

Limited EV charging stations in Europe prompts company providing them to charge OVERTIME FEES

Due to limited charging stations for electric vehicles (EVs), a Dutch company that operates them has resorted to charging EV drivers overtime fees.

Watts Up With That (WUWT) reported, citing an article by German EV news outlet Elektroauto-News, that charging station operator Allego is now levying an extra fee for users whose EVs take too long to charge. The move, according to the German outlet, aims for "fairer distribution."
Porsche is jerked back to reality….along with all the others…Toyota had this figured out from the start…like I have always said🙄😂😂😂👍🏽🦄🌈

Another Major Automaker Is Rethinking Its EV Commitment
  • Porsche scales back target of 80% EV sales by 2030 due to slow EV demand.
  • Sales of Porsche EVs have been lackluster compared to ICE models like the 911, despite reasonable demand in China.
  • Several other brands, including GM and Mercedes-Benz, have also adjusted their EV ambitions
A few years back, Toyota was criticized for its multi-faceted approach to electromobility, with many claiming the brand was unwilling to introduce electric cars. It would seem this was the correct approach, as brands such as Mercedes-Benz, General Motors, JLR, and Hyundai are all changing pace. GM, for example, will introduce plug-in hybrids by 2027, while Mercedes recently announced it would invest billions in ICE technology to keep existing engines and hybrid drivetrains as efficient as possible. While Audi is determined to achieve its EV goals, the Ingolstadt-based brand has implemented a new strategy that includes hybrids, plug-in hybrids, and EVs so as not to alienate customers.
Sell What your consumers want…not what the government tells you to sell….Econ 101…😂😂😂👍🏽🇺🇸

Ford turns ‘dirty’ business into a profit driver. GM and Stellantis are taking notice

· Fleet, a once “dirty” word, and business, in the automotive industry has turned into a multibillion-dollar battleground for U.S. automakers, led by Ford Motor.

· Its “Ford Pro” operations have raked in about $18.7 billion in adjusted earnings and $184.5 billion in revenue since 2021.

· Such results have led Wall Street to praise the fleet and commercial operations, including with analysts calling it a “hidden gem” and Ford’s “Ferrari,” referring to the highly profitable Italian sports car manufacturer.|
Amazing, if true...

Thoughts, or is this the next Cold Fusion moment?
Capitalism works…make money not unicorns and rainbows…😂😂😂👍🏽🍻🇺🇸

Ford (NYSE: F) Throws In The Towel And Decides To Make Money

Ford Has Been Losing Too Much On EVs

Doug McIntyre and Lee Jackson discuss Ford's (NYSE: F) surprising decision to convert a Canadian EV plant into one that builds Super Duty trucks, reflecting a broader industry shift. Despite prior commitments to electric vehicles (EVs), Ford seems to be reverting to traditional gas-powered trucks, questioning the feasibility of widespread EV adoption. Concerns about charging infrastructure, battery performance, and consumer demand are leading to skepticism about the government's EV goals. They also highlight the impact on investors, who prefer stable earnings from popular gas-powered vehicles over uncertain EV ventures.

Because, you know, a lot of the people that drive an F-150 are hardworking, you know, blue collar Americans.

And they're never going to buy an electric model.

No, they aren't.

So I have to tell you something.

We're starting to see this.

You're starting to see assembly lines for EVs either being shut down.

I'm going to make a prediction.

More and more of these factories are going to be repurposed back to gas engine cars or hybrids.

The myth that half the cars sold in the United States would be EVs five years from now, which is what the government was talking about and all that.

Car companies were yakking about, that's not going to happen.

If you look at people who thought about an EV, I'm worried I can't find a charging station.

I'm worried how long it takes to charge.

I'm worried how far does it go on a charge.

What if it's a cold winter?

I'm worried that in the wintertime, the full charge doesn't go in.

I'm worried because they eat through tires faster than gas power.

There was a survey recently, a month and a half ago, that said about a third of the people who own an EV said that when they get rid of it, they're going to buy another.

If I buy a car stock, I want to know that they sell a lot of the cars that people want to buy today.

I want to make sure that my payout doesn't go away because the money went toward building some crazy EV plant.

So I think what's happening is the car industry is also tacking back to where it is where Wall Street likes the stocks.

I told you it would come to this…Never trust lying self-interested politicians and bureaucrats to dictate winners and losers in an economy…markets do that naturally…. but I agree…someone should pay for this charade…🤦🏽‍♂️😂😂😂🦄🌈

Heads should roll over the electric car fiasco

Profits at the German auto giant Mercedes plunged on Friday as sales of its slick new range of electric vehicles (EVs) went into freefall. Porsche abandoned its sales targets for battery-powered cars amid waning demand from customers. Ford is losing nearly $50,000 (£39,000) on every EV it sells, while Tesla’s profits dropped 45pc. Meanwhile, battery manufacturers such as Germany’s Varta are getting wiped out.

Over the last few days, it has become clear that the EV industry is on the brink of collapse. Hundreds of billions of euros, dollars and pounds have been pumped into this industry by political leaders and the subsidy junkies that surround them – and it is surely time they were held to account for the vast quantities of taxpayer cash that has been wasted.

In the last few days alone, there has been a steady stream of bad news from auto manufacturers. Mercedes, the company founded by Gottlieb Daimler that pioneered petrol driven cars, is struggling to replicate that success in the battery version. Group net profits were down 21pc on Friday, mostly on falling sales of its new range of EVs. Earlier in the week, its great rival Porsche watered down plans for its electric models.

Across the Atlantic, Ford reported that profits were down by 35pc in the latest quarter amid losses in its EV unit. And Tesla slashed prices and offered generous financing deals to try and revive flagging demand.

Economists have long warned that net zero provides a golden opportunity for waste and rent-seeking. But some elites chose not to listen. We should start holding them accountable. Lobbyists argued for the subsidies, civil servants supported them, and finance ministers enthusiastically virtue signalled with other people’s money.

But too much investment creates overcapacity. Markets are better at deciding which technologies work than politicians, and if there is a genuine demand for a product then no one has to receive a grant to manufacture it, since the potential profits to be made will be incentive enough.

The carnage in the EV industry is only just getting started and already it has cost billions

Primary production market collapse (supply destructions)…Check!

Primary Sales collapse (new car demand destruction) …Check!

Secondary market sales collapse (used car demand destruction)… Check!😂😂😂😂🦄🌈

Used EV Values Are In Freefall

The price war has taken its toll. It's good news if you're a buyer, and brutal news if you're an owner.

  • Used EV prices fell 20.5% year-over-year last quarter.
  • Companies have had to cut new EV prices this year, which has pushed down pre-owned values.
New data from Edmunds shows that EV values have fallen 20.5% year over year. That's a seismic shift. The overall used car market, for reference, has cooled by 6.8% over the same time period. That's a big swing for the market as a whole, but the EV swing is gargantuan. Compared to average used vehicle values during the second quarter of 2022, EV values in Q2 2024 are down a whopping 38.5%.

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