Presidential Elections

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Why on earth would you think that? Consistency is one of his strong suits. At least with Trump you get what you see, what should really bother everyone is that we were lied to for three years about the competency and health of Brandon and now they want us to believe in the competency of Cackala? Don’t you feel the least bit duped?😂😂😂👍🏽🇺🇸
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Does it really matter what time I post? What's in my head is how someone can be so classless. But mk is right... he is what he is.

I don't feel duped, but I would rather deal with poor health than poor morals. And again, I do like some of Trump's policies... He's just a horrible person to be the president. And it's not like he doesn't have questionable health and mental issues.

I don't even know if Kamala has a chance, even women don't seem to vote for women. Veep choice is key... should be from battleground areas but not a lot of time.

I didn't realize there was a curfew on post activity here. 😜
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Does it really matter what time I post? What's in my head is how someone can be so classless. But mk is right... he is what he is.

I don't feel duped, but I would rather deal with poor health than poor morals. And again, I do like some of Trump's policies... He's just a horrible person to be the president. And it's not like he doesn't have questionable health and mental issues.

I don't even know of Kamala has a chance, even women don't seem to vote for women. Veep choice is key... should be from battleground areas but not a lot of time.

I didn't realize there was a curfew on post activity here. 😜
The clock on TI is not accurate.

So everyone calls Trump "Hitler", or many of the other names I've used, and he calls someone a name and he's the only bad guy?

We should talk about specifics: What 3 policies of The Tang Menace do you disapprove of? Certainly it can't be stemming the importation of slave labor ("migrants"). It can't be the forever war funding of The Lost Cause (Ukraine). It shouldn't be about his appointment of constitutionalist judges (try witching the vetting of Bidens crazy nominees, ones who can't describe what a woman is)

What 3 policies really grind your teeth? Let's talk issues, not generalities.
As I said, I agree with many of his policies, just don't agree if they can be executed and how.

The wall is one, I agree we need better border security but there are pros/cons to immigration. We are all immigrants, the US is built on immigration. A wall is not going to do what he thinks. It will keep out those who don't have the means, but criminal organizations will find a way, just like FCBs can get cash into Irvine. :) BTW: Who is paying for the wall?

Cutting taxes? Growing economy by 4%? Increasing manufacturing?

Stuff that grinded my teeth? His lies and false accusations. Fixed election claims and inciting insurrection... his continued encouragement of diviseness and supposedly religious reverence. Taking away a woman's right to choose.

I think you keep missing that I don't disagree with most of what he wants to do. I didn't like Obamacare, tarriff China as much as you want... Etc. I just don't like Trump.
".... I just don't like Trump."

There it is.

What bugs me about Trump to no end is his speeches. Sheesh... he's terrible. Not just recently, but since the dawn of his campaign. Still, I'd rather hold my nose and vote for the Tang Menace than risk what Diversity Hire Barbie will do - appoint extraordinarily bad judges, continue her disastrous "Border Czar" efforts (if you can find anything she actually did, please let me know), have men who pretend to be women in sports, refuse to recognize biological science, mainstream modern day anti-Semitism, suppress religious views, expanding DEI which is just racism by another name, and a host of other complaints. Sure, she doesn't rage tweet, but the carnage she will continue is a detriment to all. Remember - Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.

PS - The "right" to choose / "right" to life is now a state by state issue and not federal. Roe was overturned for being the bad law that it was. Remember that one of Kavanaugh's first rulings from the bench was a pro-choice one. Not every "conservative judge" is 100% pro life. Each case must be viewed on it's own merits. Roe, had little to none. The short fingered vulgarian has very, very little to do with influencing the "right" to choose / "right" to life issue today.

As for spreading accusations and falsehoods to quote the Tangerine Satan "There are "good" people on both sides...." Clinton, Schiff, Pelosi, Biden, et all still cling to the 100% debunked "Russia Russia Russia" thoughtline. Ask any of these if Al Gore won the 2000 election or was it "stolen" by the Supreme Court, another 100% debunked idea. Pee Tape anyone? I could beat this issue forever, but that dead horse is becoming not much more than a fine mist.
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There it is.
There what is? I've always contended this.

A president should not be voted in just on policy but also character.

Jan 6 alone disqualifies Trump immensely.

You are discussing stuff with me that I already agree about... I do prefer state by state policy on most things actually... there are only certain things that belong at the Fed level. It's just the way Trump colors it, instead of focusing on what he thinks Democrats stance on abortion is, he should concentrate on what he says in passing, that it should be a states deciding.

And please let's not talk about dead horse... as you said... there is finger pointing on both sides... but I think we both agree that the way Trump does it is way more divisive and annoying. Just how Clinton kept saying what "is" is.

For the record, I don't really think Biden won in 2020 because people voted for him... it's because people voted against Trump, just like the last mid-terms. Same thing for Hillary in 2016.

So much hypocrisy abound, after Jan 6, there were many Reps who were anti-Trump, less than 4 years later, they evidently forgot because politics is more important than law.
I hope it's possible to see the contradictions here...

On one hand the J6 disqualified Trump because he actively tried to get the 2020 electors rejected. On the other hand, the Left had been actively calling for electors to renounce the clear victory Trump had in the undisputed election of 2016: or

So because pro-Trump rioters were violent on their own accord, Trump's a no-go.

On the one hand, we have anti-Trump people (Musk, Vance, etc ) changing their minds and supporting Trump, that's bad. On the other hand we have the Alphabet Networks, Cable, Print, The Senate (D), the House (D) and the Cabinet (D) covering up this President's dementia issues for at least the last 2 1/2 years, now turning on Biden - and the voters who wanted to re-elect him - because he wasn't going to win - that turn of events is OK....

So Trump's a no-go because the people around him have no moral compass and put politics above all else.

On the one hand, calling Trump The Tang Menace, the Short Fingered Vulgarian, The Tangerine Satan, The Cheeto Hitler, others ( ) and finally the "actual genocidal" Hitler, is not bad, but Trumps names ( ) are really low class,

So, Trump's a no-go because mean words.

I get it, you don't like Don the Con, but Harris...? Someone who has zero accomplishments, got her break into perpetual government employment by seducing a married man (yes, he was complicit and more wrong than Harris IMHO), plus a host of other things making her candidacy problematic. When an ambulance chasing attorney won't support you, that says something in my book:

There isn't a perfect candidate, but do we really want 4 years of Biden policies, now on steroids?
Trump is a conman. So say the people who have conned their voter and donor base over the past several years about Biden's physical and mental state.

How about Trump being lawless. The same people parroting that statement ad nauseum were awfully quiet when Biden circumvented the Supreme Court decision about student loan forgiveness. FEC Chairman has stated that Biden/Harris campaign funds cannot be used for the Harris campaign. Monies need to be refunded to donors. Donors can then choose to take funds and donate to Harris campaign. Let's see if Harris campaign uses the $90+ million without refunding the monies and if so, whether these same people accusing Trump of being lawless will label the Harris campaign lawless.

Every accusation of Trump has been a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

You keep trying to paint me with a color that's not on my pallette.

Sure, Dems complained about 2016 elections back in 2016 but Trump is STILL making false claims 4 years later and let's not forget he was caught on tape asking someone to find more votes.

How much more often does Trump call anyone names than the other way around? There is even a wiki page for all the nicknames Trump uses. I'm sure that if Biden was the one who an assassination attempt was made on, Trump would have said something classless.

I find it strange that smart adults just ignore this and instead deflect to the other side. Even before his run, people knew how Trump was. How many of his staff left him? That should be enough to tell you about him.

And don't color this like I think Harris is awesome, I don't. But anyone is better than Trump. Wish he would step down instead.
I don’t think Trump would be bad if he didnt take such a divisive view and rally the troops with those views. I guess he thinks he has to do whatever it takes to get his votes. He probably doesn’t even believe half that shit he says.

The country needs to overhaul the entire political system - one term limit for every political position. I would like to think if people knew they were only serving one term they would actually try to do some good for the country.
It's not illegal to ask someone to find more votes. It's illegal to ask for AND ACCEPT votes which were manufactured which isn't the case. Time will prove this to be true, if Fani every gets the chance to get her case tries.

Not voting... is a vote for Harris.

A vote for any of the doomed 3rd party candidates is ultimately a vote for Harris.

That's why I hold my nose and will chose the lesser of two evils.
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Those Democrats in California that hate Trump but also are not happy with what the Democratic Party has been doing lately, why not vote for a 3rd candidate? You risk absolutely nothing in California
Those Democrats in California that hate Trump but also are not happy with what the Democratic Party has been doing lately, why not vote for a 3rd candidate? You risk absolutely nothing in California
I was all for Ross Perot in 1992. He screwed the pooch however when he nominated Admiral Stockwell who had IMHO an even worse debate that Biden (D - POTATO). I've shied away from third party candidates ever since. I believe Bernie was 100 pct shafted out of the 2016 nominated by the Democrat Machine. Would have been a fun election had we been given the choice between two outside/fringe candidates.
When Cackala fails to rally sufficient support to beat the Trump train the accusations of mysogyny and racism will rear its ugly head (completely ignoring the dislikability and basic un-electability of their candidates)… they will lay that excuse on hard and thick…mark my words🤦🏽‍♂️😂😂😂😂🇺🇸
I was all for Ross Perot in 1992. He screwed the pooch however when he nominated Admiral Stockwell who had IMHO an even worse debate that Biden (D - POTATO). I've shied away from third party candidates ever since. I believe Bernie was 100 pct shafted out of the 2016 nominated by the Democrat Machine. Would have been a fun election had we been given the choice between two outside/fringe candidates.
Yeah, getting some outside candidates is what people really want (except for the elites that benefit and control the status quo).

The vote for President has been pointless in California for a long time. I have a number of left leaning friends that aren’t happy with a lot of the decisions made by the Biden Admin (and they definitely also have TDS). In their case, I don’t understand why they keep voting for the Democrat candidate. It feels like they want to just identify with a particular tribe.