there are some people on this platform that will defend PS, but it must be said: there is no great appeal in buying in PS when you could get a much better home in a slightly older area of Irvine with much better access to amenities. Retail is bone dry, the entire location is in a corner of the city, and the allocated middle school Jeffrey Trail is 4-6 miles away depending on where you are in PS, not to mention Portola HS being stuffed to the rim with students. Of course overcrowding is an issue at every Irvine high school, but I truly do not understand why some people are so hesitant to buying in PS when there are no outstanding qualities that another village does not offer. A slightly older (but still recently built) home in Woodbury, Stonegate, or Northwood seems like a much better choice.

I think you said that portola springs was the best village in irvine just an year ago...