<p>Slaughtered gutted and heartbroken With no spirit or no soul , My emotions have been stolen Youtube has left me with this hole, Now my hearts a deep dark cavern, Emptiness is all I feel, Another diamond down the drain .</p>
<p>It is with deep regret that I have to inform my Loyal Fans that my one and only Video, my Masterpiece, has been removed by Youtube.</p>
<p>Yes, it's the one that many of you grew to love, those that saw it will know which one I mean....</p>
<p>I'm thinking it's a conspiracy, I reckon Spielberg and other wanna be's were afraid...very afraid.</p>
<p>I'm just sad, I mean, WTF! ?</p>
<p>Sorry to ruin your weekend guys </p>
<p>You can imagine how upset the Stars in the Movie are too...</p>
<p>But don't despair Fans, I WILL be back!! </p>