Yikes! My TV broke...

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
<p>Ok, totally off topic here but, MY TV BROKE!</p>

<p>I was trying to get it to last another year until I purchase a new home end of<strong><em> 2008 when, I was hoping the market would correct enough to buy back in. Hey, I'm still hoping!</em></strong> </p>

<p>Thought it would be better to wait and buy a new TV when I finally got into my nice new home! Then I wouldn't have to worry about moving it, and could buy the appropriate size for my new living room.</p>

<p>But darn... here I am TV-less... </p>

<p>So, looking for advise please! LCD or Plasma? Brands? Costco? Anyone on here been TV shopping lately, and would like to enlighten me on their findings?</p>
<p>Hmmm... that's a tough one because I want to get something I really like, but I don't want to spend too much! I'm not the typical OC'er who upgrades their TV every couple years... so I know whatever I buy I will have a a long time. What would be an appropriate price range for say... 46"?</p>

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Actually that's funny you ask... I never thought of using it as a monitor until yesterday, was looking on the Costco website.. and thought it might be kinda cool to have a wireless keyboard and be able to log in to work from my couch!
plasma -> the picture looks better to me.

two other things:

1) avoid stores that don't put their tv's next to each other. costco doesn't put their "generic" brands next to namebrands for a reason. the generic tv's look pretty good by themselves, but bad when next to a brand name and you can compare pictures.

2) stores like to play dvd's specially designed to showcase hi def. after these dvd's, sports events look the best in hi def. so when comparing them, ask the dude to change all the tv's to a hi def news channel. now you get to see what "regular" hi def looks like
<p>For a computer monitor, you want LCD and "1080p" is the resolution you need (it's plastered all over the tags). I think Costco has a 42" for $1100. I have the model number punched into my phone, let me go get it. I have yet to research the model to see if it's worth a damn.</p>
Almon - I leave my TV on ALOT... won't LCD last longer than a plasma? What about the whole "half life" thing with the picture... how many hours of viewing before Pic diminishes?
<p>Lots of controversy there. The newest ones are much better than they used to be. There's still a risk of a stationary image "burning in" the set, it just takes longer. I think Plasmas do have the edge for overall picture quality, IMHO.</p>

<p>It sounds like LCD is a better fit for you. Probably lower power consumption as well. </p>
Progressive. I think all the modern 1920x1080 panels can do <a target="_blank" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progressive_scan">progressive scan</a>.
<p>In the traditional sense (like CRT refresh rate), no. I think LCD's do have their own rate at which the image updates -- It's been an issue in the past for gamers on computer monitors. I'd have to research it to see if it still matters or if they're all able to keep up with the redraw rate of a computer. We're approaching the outer limits of what I know about LCD's. </p>
<p>If you look directly at your TV - then LCD is OK. If you view your TV at an angle, then LCD may not be a good choice - it gets blury. You can view a Plasma TV from all angles and it doesn't get blury. Also, if you play video games, you may want to stay away from Plasma as images can "burn" into the screen. We use an old TV for our video games.</p>
gitoc - yes plasma has the burn-in issue, and lcd has the pixels-don't-light-up-fast-enough-for-action-movie issue (forgot what it's called). so if you're a tv junkie, i'd get plasma because the picture is superior for the hours and hours that you will spend watching it.

as long as the picture is moving, you shouldn't have a burn-in problem. unless you like to keep it on msnbc/bloomberg with the ticker tape across the bottom for 8 hours a day, in which case please please turn off the tv and go out more if you just like to pause a tivo-ed show, many tv's now realize your picture is paused and goes into auto-screen saver mode to spare you burning-in.

i forgot the expected hours of viewing. the saving grace is that by the time it breaks in 3/5/7/10 years, i hope they're half the price that they are now!
<p>Thanks CalGal... maybe I should watch TV at your house! </p>

<p>I'll be right in front of the TV when in the living room, the kitchen would be off to the side then... thought about one of the wall mounts that you can pull forward and pivot... lot's to consider. I try not to take "big ticket" purchases lightly...</p>
<a target="_blank" href="http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthread.php?p=10764816">This</a> is the Costco model I've had my eye on... I have yet to read the thread.