WSJ Article on Heritage Fields

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Certainly the 2010 Home Collection sales pace has probably reassured Heritage Fields investors/State Street Bank to pump in nearly half a billion more dollars into this venture. They should hire TIC's marketing team to ensure success.
The actual "park" looks a lot smaller now.



There was also this article in the OC register:

Why the hell are they building so much? I mean, come on, is there really this much demand and would this lower the quality of existing Irvine areas...Whatever happened to finish building PS, Stonegate, the other area by Stonegate, Laguna Altera, Orchard Hills, etc.

I have a feeling this will lower our standards here in Irvine.

By the way, whatever happened with the master plan to build out Woodbury completely where all those strawberries are now?
frank69m said:

There was also this article in the OC register:

Why the hell are they building so much? I mean, come on, is there really this much demand and would this lower the quality of existing Irvine areas...Whatever happened to finish building PS, Stonegate, the other area by Stonegate, Laguna Altera, Orchard Hills, etc.

I have a feeling this will lower our standards here in Irvine.

By the way, whatever happened with the master plan to build out Woodbury completely where all those strawberries are now?

This is NOT a TIC project. Lennar purchased the master plan development rights and then the economy tanked. Now it looks like they have a joint venture with Lennar & Emile Haddad--forming FivePoint Communities to develop the land.  With half billion dollars of new capital they are rushing to start building before the cash runs out.

This will spell trouble for TIC since I am sure they will offer better price points and/or better features (i.e. larger lots or flexible designs). While VOC offered similar features, most of their inventory lacked both an Irvine address and IUSD access. If Heritage Fields offers both and executes on their promises, 2012 should be very interesting. I look forward to seeing the home designs and area plans once they upload it to the Irvine city website.
Wouldn't be funny if they get zoned to SVUSD? It's close enough to Lake Forest/El Toro.

But yes, this ties into my Laguna Altura post where the Great Park is going to put pressure on TIC to probably open their products sooner than later.
What? A competitor to TIC? This is ridiculous. Anyone who supports lower prices in Irvine through competition is favoring turning Irvine into a gridlocked barrio that no one will want to live in. Keep competition out, and higher prices in!
from the ocregister link

According to officials for developer FivePoint Communities, the plans include:

    * A mixture of 4,895 attached and single-family detached homes. About two-thirds of the homes will be detached and a third will be attached. There?s also a pocket of small houses (about 1,300 square feet) in the eastern corner of the project.
    * Low-density neighborhoods consisting mainly of single-family homes are planned for the north and eastern corners. A mixture of attached and detached homes are planned along the northwestern edge of the former base.
    * 544 apartment units will be built on the northwestern edge to meet the project?s ?affordable housing? requirements.
    * The homes will range from 1,000 to 3,700 square feet, with prices expected to range from $400,000 to over $1 million.
    * To avoid going head-to-head with Irvine Co. developments to the north, Great Park housing will be seek to fill different ?niches.? Unlike Irvine Co. homes in Woodbury, Stonegate East and Portola Springs, the Great Park homes will have different configurations and larger yards.
    * FivePoint CEO Emile Haddad said Great Park developers have plenty of land, adding: ?We?re patterned around one of the biggest amenities (in Orange County). We?re going to be selling the amenity itself.?
    * Building will start at the north and south corners at the west end of the former base, then move eastward.
    * A Main Street section consisting of shops running north from Trabuco Road on the northwestern edge of the project. Also in the northwestern edge:  buildings to house educational programs and space for offices, institutional uses and R&D.
Let's say I live in one of these new homes, and want to drive home from the Spectrum, I'd take Sand Canyon.

Let's say I live in Portola Springs, and want to drive home from the Spectrum, I'd take Sand Canyon.

Let's say I live in Stonegate East, and want to drive home from the Spectrum, I'd take Sand Canyon.

Let's say I live in Stonegate, and want to drive home from the Spectrum, I'd take Sand Canyon.

Let's say I live in Woodbury East, and want to drive home from the Spectrum, I'd take Sand Canyon.

Let's say I live in Woodbury, and want to drive home from the Spectrum, I'd take Sand Canyon.

Let's say I live in Cypress Village, and want to drive home from the Spectrum, you get the point.
test said:
Let's say I live in one of these new homes, and want to drive home from the Spectrum, I'd take Sand Canyon.

Let's say I live in Portola Springs, and want to drive home from the Spectrum, I'd take Sand Canyon.

Let's say I live in Stonegate East, and want to drive home from the Spectrum, I'd take Sand Canyon.

Let's say I live in Stonegate, and want to drive home from the Spectrum, I'd take Sand Canyon.

Let's say I live in Woodbury East, and want to drive home from the Spectrum, I'd take Sand Canyon.

Let's say I live in Woodbury, and want to drive home from the Spectrum, I'd take Sand Canyon.

Let's say I live in Cypress Village, and want to drive home from the Spectrum, you get the point.

as IHO pointed out, this is a stupid argument. You can say the exact same thing for jamboree, culver, jeffrey, etc.
Starlight East said:
test said:
Let's say I live in one of these new homes, and want to drive home from the Spectrum, I'd take Sand Canyon.

Why not take a short cut and use the new road east of the 133 that runs parallel to Sand Canyon?

What new road? There is no (accessible) road east of the toll, parallel to S.C. I drive past there every day and have never seen one. If you mean the one on the map at the top, that is not reality, at least not at this time.
Starlight East said:
SoCal78 said:
What new road? There is no (accessible) road east of the toll, parallel to S.C. I drive past there every day and have never seen one. If you mean the one on the map at the top, that is not reality, at least not at this time.

I meant the future road on the map. I sure hope that when they build all the houses in the Great Park, they will have an access from the South.

When not, then I would have to agree with 'test' and I will move to Tustin Legacy.

To take that new road you still need to take Sand Canyon to Trabuco first.
qwerty said:
You can say the exact same thing for jamboree, culver, jeffrey, etc.

No you can't because those streets aren't the only way to a "dead end" of 25k homes.  It would be the same situation if you added 20k more homes to QH.

Starlight East said:
test said:
To take that new road you still need to take Sand Canyon to Trabuco first.

No, I would come from the South using a bridge that would run over the 5 and the train tracks.

Not there yet, but isn't that what Mello Roos is for?
To line the pockets of the developer???
I can't wait until Tustin Legacy is completed. Jamboree will look like the 55 during peak rush hour, everyday after 3pm until 8pm.
IndieDev said:
I can't wait until Tustin Legacy is completed. Jamboree will look like the 55 during peak rush hour, everyday after 3pm until 8pm.

Good thing those living or working in Tustin Legacy don't take Jamboree.