Tyler Durden said:
I wouldn't say anything... bad things happen to snitches
Do you mean to the office?... or to the lady? I already said something to the office.
Kid told the whole class mom got choked out(!) by her boyfriend. Boyfriend got arrested, went to jail for the night. When he got out, he stole the family dog and drove off. This is what the teacher told me because one day I was working a shift the boyfriend normally did. I said I was surprised the spot was available because I thought he filled it. That's when she explained why he abruptly stopped showing up to help out. I really didn't need to know that. She could have just said he can't do it anymore, didn't need to go into all this detail about domestic abuse / arrest, etc. I do 100% believe it happened but still, I gave her "that look" and told her we don't even know if that's true - kids say the craziest stuff sometimes. She didn't get the hint, just kept going on about it.
I did a lot of volunteer work for the class. I knew this boyfriend - talked to him every day at school. He was very involved as a "dad". Around the time the kid said this, the "dad" stopped showing up when previously he was picking up the boy each day & seemed super involved. I sent him an email asking if we could switch our schedules. Never heard back. Prior to that, he would email me back right away. Something was up. I ran into him at the grocery store. He had the most terrified look in his eye. Nervous laughter, looked like he wanted to run away. Didn't want to answer when I asked where he's been. I looked at his G+ account and saw has moved so I guess they broke up. Now the kid is in our new class again. He's a real problem child. Gee, I wonder why.
What's weird is, the day I met him a year ago, I went home & told Mr. SoCal that this guy gives me the creeps. He tried way too hard to project a "good guy" / Father of the Year image but it comes off saccharine sweet. "Thou doth protest too much."
I'm also concerned if I did tell the mom, maybe she would beat the kid. I don't want to put the boy in danger.
Btw, parents, as a room helper I have to tell you, every single thing that goes on in your home is discussed at school by your lower-grade child. I've only come across maybe 1 kid who hasn't divulged private info. The teachers hear so much and so do the parent volunteers. Frightening, isn't it?