reason - I will admit, I do not completely understand your questions, but here is a stab.<p>
<i>"Why not take audit rep for old clients?"</i> Wow! I certainly hope none of my current clients need audit rep. They may receive a notice, but that is usually because of an IRS mistake, or a call for doc.<p>
<i>" If someone screwed up on their tax filing. They basically just need to pay up?"</i> Usually a taxpayer has lied or has gotten bad advice. Either way, they will have to pay something, but if there is enough money on the table, there are tactics and strategy used to pay less than total compliance would dictate.<p>
<i>"Or through representation, they can avoid paying?"</i> With few exceptions, the taxpayer will alway pay something, but an IRS reviewer's motivation is not only amount based. And I don't think I am willing to share what other motivations they have. And no, I do not bribe or coerce IRS reviewers. I am strictly legit and legal.