irvineguy said:
I agree with test that being closer to the freeway has a much higher value in today's world compared to traditionally. Younger generation now desire to cut commute time by living closer to the freeway or right next to work, and these younger generation are going to be your home buyers down the line. However, half of the CV is right up against the freeway which makes WB a more ideal location. I believe the location rankings should be as follows: WB > CV > SG > PP > PS/LR
So to Apple 97's point, unless getting a brand new house is a huge plus, go with the better location in WB.
I think living closer to Freeway is more of a personal preference. Reason we didn't buy in CV was because it was too close to Freeway and there are no high end homes there >Mulberry which could hurt in the long-run in regards to retaining value. However, you have the convenience of walking distance to both Elem. and Middle school. Every neighborhood has pros and cons.
Apple 97's primary reason for moving to Irvine is for the School for their <3 year olds. Thus, this should be given the most weight. SG and WB elementary school are both good, but SG is ranked higher and more reputable. CV to SG is literally about 1 to 1.5 miles and WB and SG is like 0.25 miles apart. Not enough to make much of a difference in regards to commute. Not sure if Apple 97 is planning to stay in the same location when their kids reach middle/high school, but both WB and SG will zone to new high school and Jeffrey Trail Middle School.
I think it's just best for Apple 97 to hang out at both neighborhoods (walk and drive around) during the day and night and get a good feel for what you like as most of it is personal preference. Personally, I like the openness of SG that is far enough from congestion and freeway but not too far.
In regards to comparing neighborhoods, arguments can go on and on based their own preferences and biased opinions. Best is to just compare the average sale Price/Sqft adjusted for MR/HOA differences and compare the pricing to see which neighborhood demands higher premium few years from now. I think CV/WB/SG will be all similar in Price/Sqft in 5 years from now. At end of the day $$$ talks.