woman begging in restaurant

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Really surprised that the cops don't do anything because this is considered soliciting and that's not allowed in the plazas.
. said:
zubs said:
Take a picture of her, post it here.  Give her $5 for her time.
Then we'll have a record of Irvine beggars here.

Take a picture WITH her.  Me and IHO will give you 5 dollars too.  :)

$2.1 billion

That's the amount of Tesla's and Solar City's subsidies and grants over the last 15 years.
They're pretty far down the list around tenth or so.

I had to use a publicity shot since I can't afford his fee.

List and article on WP.https://www.washingtonpost.com/blog...winners-in-each-state/?utm_term=.7086556b8672

lovingit said:
Really surprised that the cops don't do anything because this is considered soliciting and that's not allowed in the plazas.

Exactly. I've seen an increase in beggars on the street corners/ freeway exits around town. And every freakin' time I go to Target or Trader Joes there is the "donations of Love" solicitors sitting right in front of the exit sign waving at you, saying hello. And if they are not there, they are around the corner smoking a cigarette probably with the donations of love.  ::) And usually right next to them is a sign saying the plaza does not support solicitors! Why doesn't the plaza kick these people out?? It is so annoying and they are there every single day, all day. I'm sure they keep coming because they get a substantial amount of donations...
Lets play this out to it's logical conclusion

The police confronts the beggar and tells them to move.
The beggar comes back.
The police confronts the beggar and tells them to move.
The beggar comes back.
The police confronts the beggar and tells them to move.
The beggar comes back.
The police confronts the beggar and tells them to move.
The beggar comes back.
The police confronts the beggar and tells them to move.
The beggar comes back.

This isn't working.  What now?
Obtain a trespassing restraint order. Have IPD arrest person for failure to comply --> rinse and repeat until judge throws her in county jail for a few weeks. Also, judge may add monetary fine for financial disincentive. In the end it may be cheaper for society, if we write her a check to stay home.
Exactly. Harass and arrest the beggar for trespassing. I mean, not like Irvine PD is that busy anyway...
And people need to stop giving them money because that's why they come in the first place. If they only put half the effort into finding a job over their begging.
I remember seeing some story on abc news about a "beggar" in NYC in the financial district that was making $75k a year (tax free by the way) by begging - and at the end of the day they would get into their volvo and drive across town to their nice suburban home. Lots of people out there scamming the system while most of us work our asses off and pay a shit load of taxes... >:(
You'll find it more effective to harass the store.  Send a letter to them and their corporate office saying you're not comfortable and feel unsafe due to the uncontrolled pan-handlers that are eratic, confrontational and unwelcomely approach you and your children.

Inform the store you will shop elsewhere due to the unsafe conditions and then get your neighbors to do the same. Organize an Facebook group off people to announce their intent to boycott the businesses in the complex due to the panhandling, etc.

Frustration with this blight is overflowing....

Man?s sign telling panhandlers to 'get a job' brings attention, altercations

Charles Logan stands on Omaha?s street corners holding a sign.

He?s not asking for money, but trying to embarrass those who do.

The 66-year-old?s sign states, ?If you need money, get a job and go to work! Get a job!?

Logan?s protest of panhandlers has brought a few altercations ? including one on Friday that involved Omaha police.

Logan guesses that he was standing 50 feet away from a few panhandlers on the 72nd Street median south of Dodge Street.

One man approached Logan, cursing, threatening and yelling a racial slur at him, Logan said.

?I said ?I don?t believe that you need to be out here, and I have a right to hold my sign just like you have a right to hold yours,? ? Logan said.

The man then threw a cup of liquid at him, Logan said, ruining his shoes, pants and sign.

nosuchreality said:
You'll find it more effective to harass the store.  Send a letter to them and their corporate office saying you're not comfortable and feel unsafe due to the uncontrolled pan-handlers that are eratic, confrontational and unwelcomely approach you and your children.

Inform the store you will shop elsewhere due to the unsafe conditions and then get your neighbors to do the same. Organize an Facebook group off people to announce their intent to boycott the businesses in the complex due to the panhandling, etc.

I like this method.  Although it only puts a band-aid on the overall situation, this will probably work at the Culver Mitsuwa.
Solutions start locally.  Here is their website to complain about the beggar.http://www.mitsuwa.com/contact/

Dunno if it will work.  But give it a go.

Here is what I wrote:
I recently visited your supermarket in Irvine on Culver Dr.  There was a women with a child begging for money in front of your store.  I did not feel good about going to your store with this women there.  I do not want to feel guilty everytime I visit your store.  Stupid Phil Collins begins singing in my brain.  I have seen her there on multiple occasions.  Please help.

Thanks for putting that Phil Collins song in my head!  >:(

zubs said:
nosuchreality said:
You'll find it more effective to harass the store.  Send a letter to them and their corporate office saying you're not comfortable and feel unsafe due to the uncontrolled pan-handlers that are eratic, confrontational and unwelcomely approach you and your children.

Inform the store you will shop elsewhere due to the unsafe conditions and then get your neighbors to do the same. Organize an Facebook group off people to announce their intent to boycott the businesses in the complex due to the panhandling, etc.

I like this method.  Although it only puts a band-aid on the overall situation, this will probably work at the Culver Mitsuwa.
Solutions start locally.  Here is their website to complain about the beggar.http://www.mitsuwa.com/contact/

Dunno if it will work.  But give it a go.

Here is what I wrote:
I recently visited your supermarket in Irvine on Culver Dr.  There was a women with a child begging for money in front of your store.  I did not feel good about going to your store with this women there.  I do not want to feel guilty everytime I visit your store.  Stupid Phil Collins begins singing in my brain.  I have seen her there on multiple occasions.  Please help.
lol Phil Collins!
I like your idea nosuchreality. I'm going to start with my local Target and Trader Joe's.
Anyone want to join us in our efforts?
If not just help us by not giving these people $$. It's the same thing as the zero lot homes, if we keep buying them the damn builders will keep building them. Soon houses will start looking like prison cells, no outdoor space, no windows.