Woah, Baby.

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Attention, everybody:

My husband witnessed a Chinese man at the Target in Irvine, trying to purchase an entire cartload, loaded eye-level with baby formula. As you can already guess, they enforced the limit, which exists in many (or all?) states. It took three employees to empty his cart. He asked if he could turn around & return right away to buy more after his first transaction. They said no.

If anyone is looking for a drug mule formula buyer, I will offer up my services for a fee. Chinese man buying 300 cans of formula is too obvious. What you gotta do is hire a white lady to hit up every Target and Babies R Us in the southland instead.  :)
SoCal, it may not be what you think it is. China has been spooked by contaminated/adulterated baby formula in the past.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_Chinese_milk_scandal

There is very high demand for foreign baby formulas in China as they are deemed safer. so it is not uncommon for Chinese nationals that reside in developed countries buying and gouging the formulas in bulk, sending them home for family and friends or making a quick profit.http://www.oregonlive.com/today/index.ssf/2013/04/chinese_demand_for_baby_formul.html
SoCal said:
Attention, everybody:

My husband witnessed a Chinese man at the Target in Irvine, trying to purchase an entire cartload, loaded eye-level with baby formula. As you can already guess, they enforced the limit, which exists in many (or all?) states. It took three employees to empty his cart. He asked if he could turn around & return right away to buy more after his first transaction. They said no.

If anyone is looking for a drug mule formula buyer, I will offer up my services for a fee. Chinese man buying 300 cans of formula is too obvious. What you gotta do is hire a white lady to hit up every Target and Babies R Us in the southland instead.  :)

dang can we take photos of these people and send to FBI? 
jmoney74 said:
dang can we take photos of these people and send to FBI? 
Don't harass the Irvine property value retention group.

With the proposed cemetery, these birth tourism arrests are going to cause a dent in Irvine real estate prices.

:) :) :)
If Red China ever decides America is ready for liberation, they won't even need to invade us; their troops will already be US citizens.
Great job finding this. Can someone provide me the link where this ad appeared or in what publication this appeared in?
Scott Schwebke
Orange County Register
The California Court Company said:
Tada! SoCal is right. James Yang, from Hoag, is especially advertised in those birth tourism ads. He charges $1900 for natural birth or c-section.

?????????????????---????James Yang?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????1900???
Dr. ?? "Russell" from Fountain Valley Hospital that has a Chinese speaking assistant?? white, professional and humorous?

LOL @ US BABY DIY.com it cannot be more obvious

chalkoutline said:
Great job finding this. Can someone provide me the link where this ad appeared or in what publication this appeared in?
Scott Schwebke
Orange County Register
The California Court Company said:
Tada! SoCal is right. James Yang, from Hoag, is especially advertised in those birth tourism ads. He charges $1900 for natural birth or c-section.

?????????????????---????James Yang?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????1900???
If the OC Register is monitoring this forum, I'm sure the Feds are as well.

Hello FBI, IRS, and DHS,

Welcome to TI!  :-X
House does not appear to be owned by a medical doctor, unless a spouse has some sort of degree in the field. It could be rented so can't really tell if the owner had any idea what was going on. Still.... I'd be amazed that a home of that value wouldn't have some eyes on it. That area's gated isn't it? Time to have a chit chat with the guard off hours if it is to get the real news.

My .02c
Dear IRS - please make examples of another cheating group of irvine residents, the one who deduct their mello roos as regular property taxes :-)

and the letter from IRS Counsel back to California Franchise Tax Board regarding IRS's position on deducting mello-roos for Federal income tax:http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-wd/12-0018.pdf

seems to be that as long as the Mello Roos has benefit to public people outside of the community then it can be written off.

I also heard IRS has never enforced mello-roos in the audit though.

qwerty said:
Dear IRS - please make examples of another cheating group of irvine residents, the one who deduct their mello roos as regular property taxes :-)
While many of you were trying to find the missing Icicle gun my wife and I pitched this birth tourism story to Tim Conway Jr at KFI more than 6 years ago. The topic was hashed over numerous times by a john and Ken. The syndications across the US created more exposure leading both 60 Minutes and 20/20 to creating their segments as well as the Feds jumping on to the band wagon. We provided pictures of several groups of pregnant women dining at local eateries and shopping at SCP, Brea Mall, Santa Anita mall, Wholefoods at the District, and Arbor Center. The obvious sign is when several women hang around to eat and shop and waiting to get picked up. If I were them I would want to blend in with the general population and stay away from the pack.
SoCal said:
Attention, everybody:

My husband witnessed a Chinese man at the Target in Irvine, trying to purchase an entire cartload, loaded eye-level with baby formula. As you can already guess, they enforced the limit, which exists in many (or all?) states. It took three employees to empty his cart. He asked if he could turn around & return right away to buy more after his first transaction. They said no.

If anyone is looking for a drug mule formula buyer, I will offer up my services for a fee. Chinese man buying 300 cans of formula is too obvious. What you gotta do is hire a white lady to hit up every Target and Babies R Us in the southland instead.  :)

It's funny, every time I go to Target I see hugely pregnant Chinese women and their husbands buying all kinds of baby feeding supplies. Not just formula, but also baby food, which obviously a newborn won't be eating. Maybe they're sending it to China, who knows. They're always buying a lot of stuff, speaking Mandarin, and looking confused.
What I don't get is why the news articles ask for tips to be called in to help find these groups. It doesn't take a genius to spot them. As others have mentioned, every time I'm at Macy's at the Spectrum, there is a group of pregnant Chinese women all in the same trimester, shopping together. They stand outside and wait for the shuttle to pick them up. In the Facebook comments on ABC7's page, others comments say the same thing all throughout the southland. 
SoCal said:
What I don't get is why the news articles ask for tips to be called in to help find these groups. It doesn't take a genius to spot them. As others have mentioned, every time I'm at Macy's at the Spectrum, there is a group of pregnant Chinese women all in the same trimester, shopping together. They stand outside and wait for the shuttle to pick them up. In the Facebook comments on ABC7's page, others comments say the same thing all throughout the southland.

Unless you know what they are doing. I don't think it's fair to draw your own conclusion. #StopProfiling
eyephone said:
Unless you know what they are doing. I don't think it's fair to draw your own conclusion. #StopProfiling

One of the articles said the undercover detectives tailed a vehicle full of pregnant Chinese women heading home from a shopping center after being tipped off. From that, they were able to gather more information and form a successful investigation. I'm just saying, go any weekday day down to the local shopping centers and you will see them, plain as day. Why do the police need tips called in from the public? Why don't they just do what the public is already so easily doing. It isn't rocket science. If it turns out to be nothing, so be it. But if it's leads that they want... then THERE THEY ARE!

Btw, this is deja vu. You and I have had this exact conversation before. I think if you look back in this thread, you will see the last time I was accused of profiling, my radar turned out to be 100% accurate. Maybe you should take it more seriously.  :) In October, I claimed Dr. Yang at Hoag was involved in the Chinese Baby Biz. CA Court confirmed it online via Chinese language ads. Fast forward to March and there was a big bust. My thread even drew the attention of an OCR reporter who contacted me through PM for more info. So... :P    :)
Soylent Green Is People said:
Now the WAPO is featuring the story.


Setting aside the immigration law issues, I keep wondering where all of the childrens rights activists are on the subject? It's all "fun and games" until one of these kids runs into health issues.

My .02c

Here is an L.A. County Report from 2013. It mentions DCFS. Hop to Page 12.http://documents.latimes.com/report-actions-taken-regarding-maternity-hotels/


"There was one incident of child abandonment that was investigated by DCFS at Garfield Medical Center from a mother residing in a Maternity Hotel in the City of Monterey Park. The infant was diagnosed with Miller-Dieker syndrome (cleft palate and under-developed brain.) As a result, the Asian Pacific Islander unit placed this infant under protective custody."
