Will this Fall be brutal?

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
[quote author="no_vaseline" date=1213841062]


I think the census for rents might be thrown off though.

There are a lot of poor UCI kids living in apartments that are funded by their parents, or who spend the majority of their income on rent.</blockquote>

I hear this one bantered around, I don't know if it has legs or not. Most of the UCI students I know live somewhere else and commute or live in the dorms. College students need cheap substandard houses, not IRC super premium rentals. Further, do college students usually fill out census forms?</blockquote>

Well, I've got undergrads working for me (I'm at UCI), and I'll tell you, <strong>very, very few of them live on their own in Irvine</strong>.

Some live with parents in irvine, some live on their own in costa mesa, some live in shares on the penninsula and take the shuttle bus, many live in dorms, many live with their parents in (name your city within 1 hr drive).

I suspect that at most a thousand live in shared apartments around irvine.

Let me pipe in on this one. The one house I do have is rented to college students (3, to be exact), they only have 1 parent(s) pay for that portion of the rent. The others pay for the tuition and the students pay for the rent. Again, they weren't too happy with the TIC rents.

Most for their part are pretty nice people.

anyways good luck
