Why TI is stale and how to fix it

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OCgasman said:
The vitriol has to go tho.  Probably keeps noobs from posting more.
You must have not been on the IHB forums... this is nothing compared to there.

I actually feel that TI is more noob friendly... other than "search baptizing", most of the members here are very accommodating to new members. At the IHB, one of my first posts was asking about what features do people like in a home and I got called an elitist among other things... and one of the members piling on was a mod (another mod contacted me and apologized for that).

Still wondering why I stuck around but like I said... I'm hard headed.

As for all the other things you said, it is nitpicky... but those are things that are important to quite a few people and to diminish it could also be considered "vitriol". I understand you have your opinions (that Asian comment was funny) but that's what makes TI more open, people can talk about anything.

It started out about housing and real estate, but it's more about living/eating/playing in Irvine, Orange County... and all of Asia. :)

I don't think I would have ever gone to some of those Asian eateries if not for TI members "Yelping" about them. I know more about Baker Ranch than probably the people who have actually gone to the model homes.

It's give and take, and rather than trying to dictate what is right or wrong for TI, we should just apply our own filters and read what we like and ignore the rest. Or... like some have, take our ball and go home. :)
I think the sites name should be changed to TITS - talk irvine, Tustin, Santa Ana.

Although Internet searches may bring in a pervy crowd :-)
I don't know if any of you remember how it was at the OC Register Lansner Housing blog when the posters were anonymous.  It was really vicious.  But when they had to post their real information (I'm sure you still could get around that somewhat) almost all of that stopped.  It became paid so I haven't gone back.  It's much more civil here.

It's too bad the controversial posters eventually leave as they seemed to add the most here, when they weren't being controversial.  I forget the name of that guy who lived in CDM, I think?  :P  I was hoping he would return someday.
Anonymity rubs both ways.

While some members here are willing to meet each other in real life, revealing who you are on an Internet site that anyone can see isn't something many people want to do. Especially since you do give out details about your life, it makes it more restrictive to share things.

And yes, it does protect those who like to be more controversial, but that's how the Internet works. I would never have the post count I do if everyone knew who I was... that's why I'm not on Facebook, I prefer to have my privacy (to an extent).

What's interesting is people want the commenting on the IHB back which was more anonymous than here, but they want TI to be less anonymous.

My opinion, if you remove the anonymity, you will reduce the number of posts and members drastically.
Dammit IHO, just when I was getting started on my soapbox, you talk me down with logic and thoughtful commentary. 

You're right of course.  It's just super annoying when threads get hijacked by superfluous chatter.

I also agree that my views on what I consider trivial might be considered important to others.  (But they're wrong and neurotic ;))

But, let's be real.  This is a nothing little local BB with very few active members.  Lots of good info on real estate and local businesses, but in the end, just a place to kill some time during boredom.  Most people come here to look at housing info or rant about some issue thinking it'll change anything (it won't).
yeah the comment section on ESPN shrunk significantly once they did the FB log in thing. used to get thousands of comments, now the get a couple of hundred.

There is no wrong or right suggestion in this thread. I don't even think TI is stale but some do. I think your points are valid (although I think this is the HUGEST Irvine-related BB EVAH :) ).

No one is going to change the world with TI, but I do think that would-be buyers (and sellers) do get enough information from this site that is useful to them. Just the various contractor referrals are big help to me... a single ZeroLot vetting post is more valuable than gold!

I do notice quite a few complaints about the inside jokes and "superfluous chatter" and I guess because I'm guilty of it, I don't see the issue... it adds color in my eyes. Other than the qwerter TWSS references and my bromance with Homie, some of these sidebars actually lead to fruitful conversations (laundry chutes!)... at least to me.

Maybe this thread is mis-titled... it should be "What I hate about TI (and IHO)". :)
I don't know if someone already suggested this but in one of my other blogs, there is a Vote UP, Vote DOWN kind of button.  If the answer is down voted a lot, it gets minimized and/or it says this response was not popular so it stays out of your way unless you go there to read it.  Each person only gets one vote per response (or some people might down vote everyone they have a beef with over and over).  IN this way, that someone might get the hint that his/her responses aren't very popular on the blog.  Hopefully anonymously.  :P  I RARELY down vote though.

For Blog Commenting, that system works, but this is a forum... and sometimes it's the off-topic TWSS comments that get Thanked here so they would be more prominent. :)

On another forum I was on, there used to be an Ignore User option, so that you won't see posts by that user, but that is an all or nothing proposition because sometimes an Ignored User might post something you want to read.
I'm also a proponent of real names.  If you can't say something without being anonymous, maybe you shouldn't post it.  I'm a fan of accountability and transparency.  If it decreases activity and posts, so be it.
bones said:
OCgasman said:
I'm also a proponent of real names.  If you can't say something without being anonymous, maybe you shouldn't post it.  I'm a fan of accountability and transparency.  If it decreases activity and posts, so be it.

I don't say anything on here that I wouldn't say to anyone's face. I keep it real on and off the internet. My big thing about remaining anonymous is where I live, etc.  Lots of crazies in this world. I have young kids. If this site ever goes to real names, I would be out for sure.

+1 on the real names.  I started with IHB then moved over here,  and though I don't post much, I wouldn't want to draw that attention in the slightest.

I think TI does a pretty good job of organizing sections--  so if you only want to look at RE oriented posts,  you know where to find them.  Most of the time, they stay on topic  and when they don't -- it is usually entertaining :)
OCgasman said:
I'm also a proponent of real names.  If you can't say something without being anonymous, maybe you shouldn't post it.  I'm a fan of accountability and transparency.  If it decreases activity and posts, so be it.

I don't think I post anything here that I wouldn't say to your face. But I would not post here with real names. Search engines ruin it. I posted stuff on the internet using my real name in like 1995 and google still finds it when you google me. If I'm interviewing for a job the last thing I want is the prospective employer seeing exactly every post I've ever made on every message board.