true, asians are the most affluent minority group, but i feel that this is because we are much more willing and aggressive in assimulating into corporate america and and adopt those cultures/values as a means to succeed or open opportunities... thus whites accept us "better" then other minority groups... adopting anothers culture is never "easy" and its never because we truly "want" to... i say this because asian american culture vs asian culture (in asia) is quite different... heck even asian american high income vs asian american low income culture is different... when i speak of culture i also mean social norms and traditions...
little off topic, but personally, i feel this is a white mans world, and only because they have the most money (assets)... (we talk a lot on the forums about the "rich" chinese, but heck they are honestly a piece of shit compared to the assets of white folks (who pretty much make up the majority of the 1% of the 1%)... ppl who complain about FCBs (whether its china money or middle eastern oil money) honestly have no idea how western society operates)... like the saying dont hate the player hate the game haha... but i accept western society to get ahead/adapt or whatever u want to call it, heck learned to embrace this, and actually found it very very empowering... but for one me, theres like ten of my friends who refuse to work or live anywhere outside of asia even when provided equivalent levels of education and/or opportunities... these are personal choices, and im just giving this example to back up my case where ppl are never willing to "give up" their culture easily shining some light on the "other" end of the spectrum... i mean im sure we all know some guy who grew up in san gabriel who lived here their entire lives but still talks in broken or heavily accented english... do u truly feel these folks are readily accepted by whites?
anyhow, perhaps im not giving whites enough credit, but if whites were to take a "walk" through flushing or san gabriel, i truly dont think they will be "comfortable" with the "culture" there even if they stuck some new stucco and made all the buildings nice and new... but with whites, there are coastal and/or city whites vs the rest of the whites... they shouldnt be stereotyped into one class either... coastal and/or city whites are much more educated, wealthy and thus in turn accommodating to minorities then the whites from the rest of this country... so even if a coastal and/or city white may feel comfortable walking through flushing or san gabriel on a day to day basis, i seriously seriously doubt a white from the rest of the country could be able to say the same thing...
thus i dont see how culture is part of the equation unless ur talking about asians and their willingness to adopt corporate american culture... hence why i feel there is a certain level of education and wealth that is a prerequisite for asians and whites to get along... cause once u achieve a certain level of education and wealth, it usually means u adopted corporate american culture or at least learned to excel in it... so asian vs white perceived similarities in "culture" is a by product of education and wealth, not the other way around...
this seems to be true with most mix raced asian and white couples... education and wealth play a bigger part compared to culture... we cant get data on "culture", so most studies then compare by simply race ie whites marrying hispanics, asians, etc... and most of these studies have shown if one is at a certain education level and social economic status, the probability of white marrying hispanics, asians, etc do not deviate too much, thus culture is nulled... (
of course this is just how i personally feel from my own life experience and upbringing (and particularly from a asian male perspective... from an asian female perspective its a whole different ball game)... and more often then not, i am wrong lol