Why I love Irvine

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program

In the case of neighbors blasting music from 11pm to 1am, does the PD keep a record of how many complaints they get even if an officer doesn't show up?

One of my neighbors tend to bump up their speakers and hold parties late into Monday mornings from time to time. I may have to call the non-911 line next time because it keeps us and the dogs awake all night.
<p><a href="http://Sec. 4-11-502. Initial police responses to large parties, gatherings or events.">Here </a>is the Irvine ordinance.</p>

<p>If you are not in Irvine, links to various California jurisdictions' muni codes are found <a href="http://california.lp.findlaw.com/ca01_codes/municode.html">here.</a></p>

<p>Sorry for the delay. My suggestion is to call early, don't wait until midnight. If it's still going at 10 PM, call right then. Realize that on weekends we coppers are usually running from call to call, and loud radio complaints are the last to get handled.</p>

<p>My department tracks calls by the address. We won't create a call unless we have a complainant (so, no tracking if you just call IPD to verbally complain and don't want police response). If you are continually having problems, call IPD and ask to speak to a Watch Commander or Watch Sergeant about the problem. Even better, watch the response you get when you write a letter to the Chief and all of your neighbors sign it ! (hint, hint) </p>
ES and Trooper,

Thanks for the tips. I will keep the PD's number in my phone (plus a letter) and be ready to call at 10:01pm the next time this happens. I don't have a problem with parties and music but after a certain time (i.e. 10pm) I always make sure to keep it down. Unfortunately, there will always be someone on the block who enjoys blasting their radio in the evenings.
I agree, call at 10:01 pm...

Trooper, what happens when the Police attend a noise disturbance and later they become noisy again and we have to recall? Do you Guys get really mad when you have to go to the same House/appt twice in one night?
several weeks ago, couple calls went into the Irvine PD for noisy party at 1030pm...Irvine PD had two police car over within 10 mins. Very impressive...
<p>Peter. On our first call out, we issue a "Loud Party Warning" to the homeowner / lease holder. The second call out, we clear out the party with or without their consent, issue the homeowner / leaseholder a citation for loud noise and seize the object making music...if it's a band, we take their shit. They can get it back the next day or when ever our property room is open for business again (ie: Monday). </p>

<p>If this is at a mansion in the hills, it can take up 4 two-man cars to clear the party out (hundreds of attendees, all drunk and priviliged you know). Once we call D.O.T. and start towing their rides, that helps clear it out quick too.</p>

<p>Yes, we get mad. It's called "Contempt of Cop" dontcha know. </p>
<p><em>If this is at a mansion in the hills, it can take up 4 two-man cars to clear the party out (hundreds of attendees, all drunk and priviliged you know). Once we call D.O.T. and start towing their rides, that helps clear it out quick too.</em></p>


<p>Oh, that is just evil! , but i'm always upset as to how many wealthy people think that their money gives them the RIGHT to be ass. Being helpful will always be better in the end. </p>

<p>My annoyance, is that they profile my Mustang. I've been stopped ALOT of times because they though my car was an easy mark (modified car ticket). Too bad its been through Tech TWICE and passed both times, it also runs cleaner than ALOT of other cars on the road. Onec I paint it, it will probably look alot less conspicious.</p>


<p>CalGal...on a daily basis. Paris lives here, ya know ! I just helped a lady from The L Word with a stalker today. </p>

<p>Bix....the color doesn't matter. </p>
We were at a Party a while back at my best friends house, he was a VP at Jaguar Landrover over here at the PAG Building by the spectrum....

Anyway, it was a little loud, not that us Brits are notorious drinking a lot or making a lot of noise or anything, but the Cop came into the back yard via a side gate, my Mate saw him and started to walk towards him with his hand extended to shake his hand and FELL OVER before he even reached the Cop...there was silence, we didn't know what to do..then we all started laughing, so did the Cop.

He was a good guy, we offered him a drink but he declined (he'd probably had enough already plus he was driving I think..he wasn't wearing a Cycling Helmet). But he did hang around for 20 minutes and we had a good old chat.