Who's your Fave Artist?

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<p><img alt="" src="http://www.artbrokerage.com/images/lichtenstein/licht_cryinggirlpg254.jpg" /></p>

<p>Crying Girl, Lichtenstein.</p>

<p>I have this one framed and up in my living room Almon. Did you know that there is an original on public display at the Creative Artist Agency in Beverly Hills ? Also a public mural at Broadway/42nd Steet subway station (Times Square). My favs of his are the ones with benday dots.</p>
WINEX - it's this one, "Whaam!":

<img src="http://images.easyart.com/i/prints/rw/lg/1/5/Roy-Lichtenstein-Whaam--15643.jpg" alt="" />

troop: me too! i'm not crazy about his later stuff. here is another of my faves, "GRRRR!!!!":<img src="http://www.artworksinc.com/images/2077.jpg" alt="" />

and this one "M-Maybe":

<img src="http://imagecache2.allposters.com/images/pic/EDF/5068RL~M-Maybe-c-1965-Posters.jpg" alt="" />
<p>There is NO room where dogs playing poker is appropriate.</p>

<p>I always liked that actual cartoon artists that Lichtenstein was--imitating? making fun of? stealing from? better than L.</p>
<p>Cats are always appropriate, and they will be glad to tell you so...</p>

<p><img height="549" width="719" alt="" src="http://arterran.com/images/Daphnes_Cats.jpg" /></p>
<p>Ohmigod, that is even worse. If cats ever played a game, it wouldn't be poker. None of them could bear to lose. Let me say, that not only is there not a room where that picture would be appropriate, there is not a universe where it would be appropriate.</p>

<p>or, to quote the 60 minutes fellow. Not on planet earth.</p>
<p><strong>Okay Liz, tell us how you <em>really</em> feel.</strong></p>

<p><img alt="" src="http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2007/07/do-not-want.jpg" /></p>
Boom for real... Jean Michel Basquiat.

<img src="http://www.geifc.org/actionart/actionart02/grupos/03-adlc/artistas/basquiat/imagenes/jean_michel_basquiat.jpg" alt="" />

<img src="http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/archives/Painting%20for%20Kurosawa%20Akira.jpg" alt="" />

<img src="http://www.marcelsitcoske.com/artists/basquiat/rinso.jpg" alt="" />

<img src="http://www.ammocity.com/artman/uploads/basquiat.jpg" alt="" />

<img src="http://www.artsjournal.com/man/images/BasquiatHead.jpg" alt="" />

I will give anyone a for who can name the owner of the painting just above this. I will give a hint... think housing, and it ain't Bren.

BTW, the art world died when JMB died, and SOHO has never been the same. Even <a href="http://www.tonyshafrazigallery.com/">Shafrazi</a> moved out. And, I will give to anyone who knows what famous painting Shafrazi is known for.
<p>Awwwwwww. I have a theory that kitties are becoming/evolving to be so cute, that they are irresistable to humans. Sort of a fuzzy parasite.</p>

<p>Followed by ick.</p>

<p>Looks like Picasso lite.</p>

<p>Guy really studied/imitated Guernica. And Kandinski. Doesn't like women I guess. </p>

<p>Or, they don't like him.</p>

<p>I don't mind artists doing a riff on someone else's work, they do that all the time. But when it's imitation without creativity, it's just boring.</p>

<p>Frankly, if I'm going to study the faces of corruption and evil, I'd rather contemplate Hieronymos Bosch. Which reminds me, they were showing Paulson's skull-face, at the pres's speach, and it really reminded by of something out of Bosch, or Goya.</p>

<p>He must have done many awful things, in order to end up looking like that.</p>
<p>graphrix, how could I forget to list JMB!!! </p>

<p>how about this? nyc loft + iconic graffiti artists = real estate find of the year! </p>

<p><a href="http://www.dailycamera.com/news/2007/dec/15/historic-graffiti-mural-discovered-in-manhattan/">http://www.dailycamera.com/news/2007/dec/15/historic-graffiti-mural-discovered-in-manhattan/</a>

<a href="http://www.newsday.com/news/local/newyork/am-graffiti1213,0,3775932.story">http://www.newsday.com/news/local/newyork/am-graffiti1213,0,3775932.story</a></p>

<p>this would probably be an eyesore to most, but there's some real history here!

<img alt="" src="http://www.newsday.com/media/photo/2007-12/34232787.jpg" />

Jean Michel Basquiat, Futura 2000, Fab 5 Freddy</p>