Who remembers Farrells Ice Cream Parlour?

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Yeah? Its back! Opening next month in Mission Viejo. <a href="http://www.farrellsusa.com/FutureProjects.aspx">Farrell's Ice Cream Parlour</a>
I sure do. We lived in Whittier and went to the one in Whittwood Center. Do you remember the Zoo and the Pigs troughs? I can't wait to take the grandkids!
We were in the food court trying to explain Farrells and the experience we had as children there to our daughters. It did not come accross. I am not sure if it is because trying to explain an sensory experience is too overwhelming or my children are too jaded. We will see, and at least the wife and I will have fun.
Is this the place I've heard about where you order some gigantic ice cream dish and if you could eat all of it, it's on the house? I remember my parents telling me that story about some ice cream place.
[quote author="SoCal78" date=1252403341]Is this the place I've heard about where you order some gigantic ice cream dish and if you could eat all of it, it's on the house? I remember my parents telling me that story about some ice cream place.</blockquote>

Yes the "zoo" was 32 scoops of ice cream in a huge silver bowl, with little plastic animals all over it. I never ate a zoo alone, only at siblings birthday parties with a gazillion other kids, but I loved the little plastic monkeys. Dont ask me why, I dont know. I was 5.
[quote author="SoCal78" date=1252403341]Is this the place I've heard about where you order some gigantic ice cream dish and if you could eat all of it, it's on the house? I remember my parents telling me that story about some ice cream place.</blockquote>

I do not remember it being on the house, but I do remember the crew coming out and making a big fuss over someone who ate a whole trough all by themselves and they got a ribbon saying, "I made a pig of myself at Farrells."
We lived in Culver City. We would drive and cruise Van Nuys Blvd and afterwards go to Farrells in the Valley. I must have been about 19 the last time I ate there.

My GF has 2 daughters 7 and 10 that we were trying to explain what was so special about Farrells. They said. "Like Chucky Cheese" ?

Looking forward to taking them. I too still remember having several "Pig" ribbons in my room as a teenager.

For some reason this place has great childhood memories.
I'm very excited for Farrell's to open because my 3rd or 4th birthday was there and I don't remember the place or the experience at all. It's one of those places that people randomly reminisce about, and it's definitely a "you had to be there" or (in my case) "you had to be there and remember it" thing.
<a href="http://www.happyitis.biz/">For those of you who wonder "What the heck happened to Farrells?" here's your answer.</a>

<blockquote>[A personal story - The Wisconsin-Illinois district <strong>used the Ford City parlour (a free-standing parlour) to train all the management </strong>on the new menu and procedures. As the training store, the menu and atmosphere changes were rolled out there on the day of our meeting. While we were there, a birthday party was being held on the other side of the store. When it was time to celebrate the birthday, we all went over (sans drum, siren or bell) and sang a nice round of happy birthday.<strong> The birthday child's father was so incensed by the lack of festiveness that he came over, interrupted our meeting, and demanded the corporate address so he could write. </strong>His disgust with the changes was reflected in that store's sales, which dropped nearly 30% over the next 12 months. Fourteen months after the drum and bell were removed from Ford City, the parlour was closed permanently.]</blockquote>

What kind of "yes men" sat through that managment meeting and decided that this was a good idea to greenlight through the rest of the chain? My God!
[quote author="bltserv" date=1252407378]We lived in Culver City. We would drive and cruise Van Nuys Blvd and afterwards go to Farrells in the Valley. I must have been about 19 the last time I ate there.

My GF has 2 daughters 7 and 10 that we were trying to explain what was so special about Farrells. They said. "Like Chucky Cheese" ?

Looking forward to taking them. I too still remember having several "Pig" ribbons in my room as a teenager.

For some reason this place has great childhood memories.</blockquote>
When you say you too still remember having several Pig ribbons, by "too" did you mean that I implied I had downed a trough. I never did, could not have, and never even had the opportunity. My parents would never have paid for that. Also, we cruised Van Nuys Blvd.
Yay! Of course I remember Farrells! My husband and I have mentioned it several times to the kids. Can't wait until the opening! Thanks for the info.
As I recall, eating the Pig Trough got you a ribbon, but eating the whole Zoo by yourself got it free.

<object width="325" height="250"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/youtube" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="325" height="250"></embed></object>

<object width="325" height="250"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/youtube" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="325" height="250"></embed></object>
[quote author="irvine_home_owner" date=1252414786]I believe there was one in the Redondo Beach / Torrance area. I remember going there a few times for birthdays (not mine... my parents were too cheap).</blockquote>

There was. If I am not mistaken it was near the Olde Town Mall... I was born in Torrance so it was the one I went to.
It was on the west side of Hawthorne Blvd., about one thousand feet north of the PCH/Hawthorne intersection.
[quote author="GraceOMalley" date=1252415608][quote author="irvine_home_owner" date=1252414786]I believe there was one in the Redondo Beach / Torrance area. I remember going there a few times for birthdays (not mine... my parents were too cheap).</blockquote>

There was. If I am not mistaken it was near the Olde Town Mall... I was born in Torrance so it was the one I went to.</blockquote>
Word... that's a blast from the past too... Olde Town Mall.

I remember when they turned it into an outdoor mall and I was like BOOOOO!

Tough to compete though with that mega Del Amo Mall down the road.

Also... Carson Mall nee South Bay Promenade.
[quote author="awgee" date=1252411150][quote author="bltserv" date=1252407378]We lived in Culver City. We would drive and cruise Van Nuys Blvd and afterwards go to Farrells in the Valley. I must have been about 19 the last time I ate there.

My GF has 2 daughters 7 and 10 that we were trying to explain what was so special about Farrells. They said. "Like Chucky Cheese" ?

Looking forward to taking them. I too still remember having several "Pig" ribbons in my room as a teenager.

For some reason this place has great childhood memories.</blockquote>
When you say you too still remember having several Pig ribbons, by "too" did you mean that I implied I had downed a trough. I never did, could not have, and never even had the opportunity. My parents would never have paid for that. Also, we cruised Van Nuys Blvd.</blockquote>

I was on my own from about 15 on. Mom didnt drive and Dad was usually out of town. Weekend warrior. So I was with my older friends getting in trouble.

Had 2 or 3 jobs. Bowling alley and drive up dairy about that time.

Think the "Trough" was like 6 scoops of ice cream and some Banana and Nuts.

Awgee I think you need to go and have a trough when it opens. The Ice Cream will set you free from your repressed childhood. LOL

<img src="http://fastfood.freedomblogging.com/files/2009/05/farrells_pig-big-web.jpg" alt="" />
I appreciate the thoughts and suggestion, but I do not think I could eat that much ice cream, and I can not stand bananas. Well, maybe I could eat the ice cream.
[quote author="awgee" date=1252404414][quote author="SoCal78" date=1252403341]Is this the place I've heard about where you order some gigantic ice cream dish and if you could eat all of it, it's on the house? I remember my parents telling me that story about some ice cream place.</blockquote>

I do not remember it being on the house, but I do remember the crew coming out and making a big fuss over someone who ate a whole trough all by themselves and they got a ribbon saying, "I made a pig of myself at Farrells."</blockquote>

You're probably right. Maybe I'm confusing the ice cream with 72 oz. steaks. LOL