NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Wow, homes are always going to be being bought and sold. What's wrong for many is right for some. I'd hate to see the state of OC should housing sales volume fall another 50%. If it get's that bad, you won't be able to buy a house. If you have the cash to buy it with cash, you won't want it.
<p><em>Why not?</em></p>

<p>The economy isn't a isolated silos. If housing literally became as illiquid as many hope. i.e. no sales until market equilibrium is reached. OC will look like Flint MI after GM closed the plants.</p>

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>>>W<em>hy not?</em>

<p>The economy isn't a isolated silos. If housing literally became as illiquid as many hope. i.e. no sales until market equilibrium is reached. OC will look like Flint MI after GM closed the plants.<<<</p>

<p>I was hoping for a reasonable explanation other than doom and gloom...</p>

<p>In any case, housing is <em>already</em> illiquid as prices are presently <em>not</em> at market equilibrium. I still see traffic as people drive to work and traffic on weekends as people go play and shop at the mall.</p>

<p>Also, how much of the OC economy is housing related compared to how much of the Flint, MI economy was GM related? To answer my own question, the Flint debacle resulted in 30,000 layoffs, which was well over 25% of the population. To compare OC to Flint, MI would be saying over 25% of OC will be unemployed due directly to housing.</p>

<p>...anything's possible, but still, it's unreasonable doom & gloom...</p>

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<p>She's gotta be on a remote island (with no computers) - or this surely would have brought her out!</p>

<p>What I've been wondering is where is IrvineRenter?</p>

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<p>He seems to have disappeared right when the market went crazy. He's probably daytrading these wild swings and making so much money that he can buy NIR's remote computerless island. With cash. </p>