Where to buy jerky?

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Anyone know where I can get good beef jerky or turkey jerky? I don't mean anything nasty like a Slim Jim. I'm thinking maybe I should try an Asian market but I've never been in one so I don't know if that's a typical item there. Thank you in advance.
They have a couple of places down in Bolsa area which you can buy good beef jerky. Vua kho Bo...they are located all over Solcal.

They do give out test taster before you buy.
Sorry, I don't quite have an answer for you. I bike through Santiago Canyon every weekend and there's a guy selling some from his truck all the time about halfway through the canyon. I've never tried it and maybe it's a bit too "rustic" for your tastes but I'd be curious if anyone else has ever tried it. He's out there a lot so I'm guessing he actually has some clientel. Maybe I'll bring an extra twenty through there next weekend and see what he's got.
I'll see if my parents still have some. Every other year or so, my dad builds a smoke house, buys a cow and a few turkeys and makes jerky. Everything from semi-soft to dry. Yes my parents are foreign and going to eat at their house is similar to the movie My Fat Greek Wedding. Deuce (IR2) can relate.

How to make Jerky...

Its actually pretty easy. First get your meat...I like beef and turkey. Get a plastic tub that you can close, fill it with water, dump a crap load of salt, mix well, and then place pieces of meat inside. Cure anywhere from 3-7 days, maybe even longer depends how fast the salt penetrates the meat. The salt is a necessary component to preserve the meat...after all...you are eating raw meat.

Then, make a wooden box about 8 feel tall, 4 feet wide. Make little side vents that you can open and close on each side, and a small door for you to get in and out of. After that add rods for you to hook your meat or simply nail a bunch of hooks on the roof of the box (on the inside). Hook the meat and make sure the side vents are closed completely. Then at the bottom of the box (forgot to mention, the bottom doesn't have a floor...the ground is the floor) place rocks in a cirlce with bunch of wood of your choice and set it on fire. Eventually you'll put the fire out, because your goal is smoke...lots of it. Once you get smoke, close the door and let it sit there for a day or two. The longer you leave it, the more smoked flavor it will get. After a day or two, open the side vents on both sides to create a draft and let wind with combination of salt dry the meat out. The salt is the drying agent here and the preserving agent. The salt actually dehydrates the meat. This process takes a week or more, depending how thick the pieces are. Often you can cut little chunks to test the meat. The longer you leave it the dryer it gets. Personally, I like my beef and turkey a bit soft, so you can slice it nicely and put it sandwiches. Then I also leave some pieces longer so they are drier in case you want jerky.

Then open up your own store to sell dried and cured meat and make a fortune as its very expensive. Just don't do this in the backyard of your upscale OC home, your neighboors might not like your red-neck behaviour. However, I notice that many are willing to let it go once you give them a sample. Often they will ask you to make more.

Anyway, excuse grammar and spelling...typing this kinda fast.
Socal, have you ever tried <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biltong">Biltong</a>? It's the South African version of Jerky but IMO 1000 times better, I lived in SA and I can tell you it's awesome...

I did a quick search and found it's available here...

Super Irvine at the 5 and Culver in Heritage Square, next to India Cook House

14120 Culver Drive # A - E, Irvine CA 92604


I haven't tried it from there but deffinately will....
You all gave some great suggestions. Thank you. After I posted I went to Trader Joe's. $10 later for 8 oz. of jerky, I feel violated.

BV your dad sounds like an awesome guy. I sure do wish I could try that method. Unfortunately, I think it might violate the IAC rules if I made my husband build me a smokehouse on our patio. :-(
I read an article in the Register about a place in Huntington Beach, I'll look and see if I can find it again. I think they were well known for their Jerky...