zovall said:Compressed-Village said:Is it safe to say that we don't have speculators exist anymore in the realestate market? It's hard to say no, when you have homes appreciate 20-25 % annually, since last year. This will bring alot of speculation to the housing market and any speculation exist in an asset class will not end well. It is different though when someone buy to their root down. Whether the market goes up or down, we need a place to live, rent or buy. The heartache now is both rent and buy is coming into an extreme measures.
I think there are tons of speculators and "investors" buying now.. A lot of people have a lot of money and real estate is just one asset that has inflated. But since lending standards are high, we won't see a crash like we did last time. What could cause something like that?
I do believe that society benefits from people buying homes for themselves to live in.
Real Estate has become a good investment asset since the interest rates have gone down a lot. CD rates are so low like 0.5% compare to 2 years ago when it was 3+%. So it's natural to see money moving from banks to properties and stocks since those are giving you much more appreciation than parking your money in banks now days.
What would cause a crash like last time? Couple things we can speculate.
1. Forbearance Money
Many people actually took advantage of forbearance since it's like not paying for like 2 to more months and living for free! Why not, right? Well, like many experts here warned, it would cause issues when you sell or refinance your home. It might not be much an issue if you sell since your home price most likely increased much to cover any unpaid mortgage, but if you were to refinance, you would have to take care of those unpaid money first. So if you spent those money elsewhere, tough luck. And imagine those unpaid money keeps piling up here and there and everywhere, yeah it won't be that pretty. But it's actually not that much of an issue since you can just sit at your home not selling or refinancing. Just live there forever, right?
2. Refinance
Because the rates have gone so much lower, so many people refinanced last and this year. But the problem is if you refinance right after you just refinanced, you're kind of screwing up your first refinancer. I heard you should wait couple months for them to actually profit for refinancing your home, but the rates kept getting lower and lower and since not many lenders can prohibit you from refinancing again with other lenders the next day, how would that loss be covered? If that keeps happening all over the country, yeah it won't be that pretty.
3. Increase of Rates
I think the country is actually benefitting from low interests rates since many people take advantage of it and keep buying homes which means more taxes for the country! In a way, that might be why we're having good economics and not crashing like many people thought. But if the rate goes up, woooo! You know people won't buy as much and RE money will be moved to banks and even to other countries, and your home price is going down, baby.

Now these are just couple speculations of possible crash. But I personally don't think or hope not it would happen as bad as the last one since we have more strict buying conditions and I personally don't think the FED will increase the rates any time soon. But who knows? 8)