Where is it?

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What do you think happened to Malaysia Airline MH370?  Do you think "that" government is being 100% upfront with the world?

I'm thinking some catastrophic failure caused the plane to dive into the sea pretty much intact causing minimal scattering or someone turned off the transponder and guided it somewhere else but then ran out of fuel and crashed somewhere.  Those Malaysian pilots don't seem very professional letting pretty women sit in the cockpit from takeoff to landing.  Not very smart and insecure so they could have easily been hi-jacked while being "distracted".
Yeah... I'm wondering about this too.

You would think something as big as 777 and with all our tech today, we could find it. Can someone ask Snowden to backdoor an NSA satellite to get some photos?
I think it is time for these guys to admit that "We have no idea what the @$#! we are doing" so someone else take over.  If not, I think China will "take over" soon regardless.  If they aren't doing it already, they should get the NTSB and CIA to help out big time.

I bet some of these countries (including ours) have spy satellites that have some more information but it's hard to admit they're spying around that area and share that. 
Hope it's not the same problem as that should have been a big learning experience.  "Don't pull the nose up or it will stall".

I'm hoping it's not like Egypt Air where it's highly probable that one of the pilots decided to crash it on purpose.  These Malaysian pilots are fools but don't know if they'll go that far.

Homie said:
Have been following since the first day... Sounds similar to the Air France incident.
Yes, absolutely. But I'm hoping for a miracle that they were hijacked and landed somewhere waiting to negotiate some terms. That's the "best case" scenario now.

furioussugar said:
Terrible-  my condolences to the families.  It is doubly worse without the closure.
OCReg said that US officials claim that the engines were burning for up to 4 hours after the transponder was turned off.

So they could be on The Island.
paperboy, Lost was the first thing that came to my mind.. They said it flew into Andaman Islands, but now reports suggest there is no way such a huge aircraft can land on the Islands without anyone noticing it.

I flew the day after this happened, and half the plane was empty.. people got scared and canceled.
Can't imagine what the families must be going through..

You can't come up with a story this good.  It is getting weirder and weirder.

From the expert flying and the captain possibly having some strong political views, I'm thinking he had something to do with it.  I guess someone could have threatened the pilots but from all the timing of things, it just seems most logical that one or both of the pilots were involved.  From the expert flying, I'm betting it's at least the captain.  Did the co-pilot go along or was he disabled/killed sometime before?

I know it probably would not be possible to get a cellular signal but how could they have controlled all the people with a smartphone and Wi-Fi?  Don't these international flights have Wi-Fi connectivity to the Internet?  If so, why didn't anyone call (using something like LINE) or email someone about what was going on?

Why did the pilot fly up to 45,000 ft. (At least that's what the radar seems to suggest), way beyond what is allowed?  Was it to knock out/kill all the other crew/passengers to control them?

If whoever did this didn't care about killing all the passengers and themselves, and flying up to 45,000 ft. is very reckless, why did they fly it so long? 

And still, where is it?

So many questions but no answers so far.

irvinehusky said:
And still, where is it?

So many questions but no answers so far.

What I don't understand is how an expert pilot "runs out of fuel". If you are going to crash the plane anyways, why run out of fuel?

Maybe it's like Mission Impossible II where the bad guys want everyone to think they're dead so they parachute out of the plane and put it on auto pilot until it runs out of gas.
I don't know if whomever hijacked the plan had an end game.  And, we don't know yet if they landed before running out of fuel even though it's looking less likely due to all the affected countries claiming their airspace was not breached.  But, even if it was, would they admit it?  :P  Think if a 777 can enter Indian or Pakistani airspace without detection how embarrassing and insecure that would be.

The far fetched story now is that some terrorist government sponsored this and are loading this plane with a nuclear bomb.  I hope we don't have an unidentified 777 flying towards L.A.

These people probably aren't worried about their life or anyone else's so there doesn't have to be a logical end to their plan.

I still think the passengers had no idea what was going on until the end.  No communications from the passengers so I tend to think the end was sudden.

paperboyNC said:
What I don't understand is how an expert pilot "runs out of fuel". If you are going to crash the plane anyways, why run out of fuel?

Maybe it's like Mission Impossible II where the bad guys want everyone to think they're dead so they parachute out of the plane and put it on auto pilot until it runs out of gas.
Last I saw on the news and read in the paper, there could be wreckage connected to the plane in the Indian Ocean.

It doesn't bode well because how can they have prevented anyone from texting, calling or posting something.

Edit: Da plane, not da plain.
It would look really bad if the Aussies find the wreckage after a few days in charge. 

After 9/11 a box cutter isn't going to stop any of the passengers.  In fact, if I see anyone on my plane holding up anything that resembles a box cutter, I'm immediately jumping on the guy with a sleeper hold.  :P

So, I'm thinking either cabin pressure was lost quickly due to something catastrophic or someone in the cockpit did it on purpose. 

So were the pilots heroically trying to reprogram the flight plans and lost consciousness while doing that?  Or, did they do it on purpose and let it run out of fuel?

They always talk about the cellular services not working due to the height and speed but does the Wi-Fi service onboard go out to the Internet using similar cellular connections?  Or is it via satellite and separate?  If separate, why didn't anyone text or email?

irvinehomeowner said:
Last I saw on the news and read in the paper, there could be wreckage connected to the plain in the Indian Ocean.

It doesn't bode well because how can they have prevented anyone from texting, calling or posting something.
irvinehusky said:
In fact, if I see anyone on my plane holding up anything that resembles a box cutter, I'm immediately jumping on the guy with a sleeper hold.  :P

the sleeper hold is a rookie move as the first move in this situation. the first thing you do is you take a sharp object and you stab yourself with it in front of the guy with the box cutter, now he will know he is dealing with crazy.