Where in Irvine was this photo taken #25

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Cameray sent me a number of these a few weeks ago.. but I lagged in getting them up.

<img src="http://i33.tinypic.com/2pzl1qu.jpg" alt="" />
Where is BK?

I think I see a big flooded yard and an RV parked behind the house. This is definitely not in a HOA.

The house is old, but restored. It appears to have a basement.

I'm going to need more clues or a bigger photo.
[quote author="joeyp" date=1255137388]Where is BK?

I think I see a big flooded yard and an RV parked behind the house. This is definitely not in a HOA.

The house is old, but restored. It appears to have a basement.

I'm going to need more clues or a bigger photo.</blockquote>

Is that a mill? It looks like a big wheel attached to the side
[quote author="Stuff It" date=1255146598]

Is that a mill? It looks like a big wheel attached to the side</blockquote>

I think the big wheel is a sign. It looks like lettering on it. That's probably what zovall/cameray are trying to hide.
Cameray solved all my trivia and when she decides to post one. It is not going to be an easy one. This must be along the Santiago Canyon Road.
Traveland USA?

I haven't been there, but they have RVs, a lake, and according to this <a href="http://www.travelandusa.com/directory/Traveland-USA-Motorized-RV.pdf">cartoon</a>, a building with a paddlewheel thing. And it is on 38 acres.
[quote author="zovall" date=1255244060]Nice work joey! :D</blockquote>

That was great detective work! Here are a couple of picture clues I was thinking of posting but joey was too quick for me.

<img src="http://imagecache5.art.com/p/LRG/21/2190/U4GAD00Z/ron-burns-i-wanna-go.jpg" alt="" />

<img src="http://imagecache5.art.com/p/LRG/9/945/BNDK000Z/stephen-morath-more-snowbirds-in-cactusland.jpg" alt="" />

<img src="http://imagecache5.art.com/p/LRG/20/2097/FCP2D00Z/oliver-strewe-highway-59-u-s-a-.jpg" alt="" />

<img src="http://imagecache5.art.com/p/LRG/22/2239/DR7ZD00Z/two-dressed-up-women-in-trailer.jpg" alt="" />

This one is a hoot!

<img src="http://imagecache5.art.com/p/LRG/22/2240/NM8ZD00Z/vintage-travel-trailer-with-outhouses.jpg" alt="" />