Where do you work?

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Lots of discussion occurs on the blog about how desirable Irvine is due to jobs, etc. I seem to recall a poll similar to this but a quick search didn't find it. So here goes again (maybe),

Where do you work?

Just a simple poll to understand how the readers of the forums stack up for work location.
Live my life 24/7 in an Irvine Company master planned environment. My office is the same color as my house. Sometimes I get confused where I am.
[quote author="SCARLETTE" date=1244680566]Work in Riverside; Live in Woodbridge</blockquote>
Wow, very interesting...how's the drive out to Riverside from Irvine?
[quote author="usctrojanman29" date=1244680756][quote author="SCARLETTE" date=1244680566]Work in Riverside; Live in Woodbridge</blockquote>
Wow, very interesting...how's the drive out to Riverside from Irvine?</blockquote>

The drive is not too bad at all - takes me about 45 minutes. I use the toll road which can add up every month but I think it is worth every penny. Even when I don't use the toll road, I am going against traffic on the 55 and 91 in the mornings anyway. I use the toll road when I am running late (which is almost everyday ;) or when I need to be home by a certain time to pick up the kids from school.
Wouldn't it make more sense to just live in Riverside? Housing costs are 75% lower, not to mention the time and cost of the commute.
[quote author="Geotpf" date=1244683028]Wouldn't it make more sense to just live in Riverside? Housing costs are 75% lower, not to mention the time and cost of the commute.</blockquote>

Living in Riverside would only make sense for me if my husband's work is also there (which it is not). Once we had kids, we needed to settle where the public schools are great, the neighborhoods/communities are safe, and ethnic diversity is the norm. Irvine seem to offer that and we have been very happy so far.
[quote author="Geotpf" date=1244683028]Wouldn't it make more sense to just live in Riverside? Housing costs are 75% lower, not to mention the time and cost of the commute.</blockquote>
I'd move in a heartbeat if I got a full-time job out in Riverside, but I think the schools for kids would be an issue for most. And then, what about her husband? If he works in OC, his commute will be hell.
[quote author="usctrojanman29" date=1244684711][quote author="Geotpf" date=1244683028]Wouldn't it make more sense to just live in Riverside? Housing costs are 75% lower, not to mention the time and cost of the commute.</blockquote>
I'd move in a heartbeat if I got a full-time job out in Riverside, but I think the schools for kids would be an issue for most. And then, what about her husband? If he works in OC, his commute will be hell.</blockquote>

That makes sense-I didn't know about her husband's job. I don't think the schools are that bad, to be honest (but I'm biased). The newest is Martin Luther King High, and it gets high ratings-although, IMHO, that's merely because rich people live in it's boundries. It's also why Irvine schools are highly rated, IMHO-schools that have rich people go to them score higher than schools that poor people go to. That is, school ratings are mainly a function of the students and the parents, as opposed to the teachers and the district, IMHO.

Irvine has a double whammy. Not only do rich people live there, but some people move there specifically because of the schools alone. That is, if a parent cares enough to buy a house in a certain district at a higher cost than other places, chances are he or she is very involved in their child's academic career-plus there's probably a genetic factor. Therefore, chances are said student will score high on standardized testing. Have an entire school with students like that, and volia, you have a high scoring school-even if the teachers are below par.
My business is located in Northern Tijuana.

I mean the city of Orange. The day labor guys are out front as I type.

Yesterday had a homeless guy walk into my office right through the back door.

Walked in like he owned the place. He needed $ 2.50 so he could go to Victorville

to cash a check ? This is the 3rd such incident this year.

Its nice to go home at night back to the good old USA. Irvine, CA.