what's the right age for first laptop?

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I'm thinking about upgrading my 8 y.o daughter's iPad to a laptop.  Is that too young?  I eventually want to get her exposed to coding and I know certain text-based coding languages require a laptop. 

What do y'all think?  what's the appropriate age?  And should I err towards a Windows-based system?  We're all Apple in our house.
Any age is probably good these days. My kids are under 7 and have iPhones, iPads, laptops and some android tablets. It?s good to get them used to laptops early, I think.
That?s a tough call.

But I think a laptop could be more ?educational? if used for more than just surfing the Net or playing games.
paydawg said:
I'm thinking about upgrading my 8 y.o daughter's iPad to a laptop.  Is that too young?  I eventually want to get her exposed to coding and I know certain text-based coding languages require a laptop. 

What do y'all think?  what's the appropriate age?  And should I err towards a Windows-based system?  We're all Apple in our house.
Windows doesn't bite, you know :) I would suggest 2-in-1 with touchscreen and active pen for easier transition. Laptops are more capable, she'll definitely benefit out of this upgrade.