What Would You Do With $100,000?

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
After thinking about it. Add to the nestegg or upgrade on the weekend car.

Ferrari 458 Italia.

I would still need to pony up another $100K and change.

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Kids are grown, Bills are paid. All thats left is having fun and this car would be that and more.
My entire husband's family has been funding a free clinic in a small mountain village in Pakistan (Balakot), which was the epicenter of an earthquake several years ago. But the clinic is made of tin sheds, so the family plans on building a permanent structure, and also a small home for the full-time doctor that works there. I would probably give about $20,000 to complete those projects. The rest I would put into each of my children's 529 plans, which would be another $80,000. Boy, that went fast.....
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Give, contribute, or invest in something outside of yourself... be involved in a cause, a purpose greater than simply for-filling your own gratification or desires. May I add, that it might not be about giving $$, but maybe giving your time and talents...