The point I am making is --- there is no "Trump rally or " Obama rally " . Presidents don't have much long term impact on the stock market . It is the business cycle and financial conditions
I know many rich people think they know otherwise (because they are rich , they think they must be smart) but there are forces way behind the presidents control shaping up the global economy .
this rally has legs because it is being supported by Emerging Markets and Europe which is where companies in the S&P500 derive big chunk of their revenue . They are finally coming out of years and years of weak growth and recessions . Add to that $ weak = MORE revenue from abroad, also good for oil prices , good for Emerging Market currencies . The tax cuts added fuel to the already burning fire.
And while we are at it, someone please change the title of this thread

The Dow is as irrelevant an index as CDs or DVD players . It is a meaningless index used by the dumb mainstream financial media (and also that boomers love it) .