[quote author="25w100k+" date=1230087536]Seems to me tech is doing OK in OC. Obviously, SV has a lot more tech jobs, but on the other hand, a bigger percentage of those jobs are VC funded startups. OC has a lot less VC activity (which is a bad thing overall), but when the economy takes a hit, most of the tech companies arn't as affected by it.</blockquote>
Tech is doing OK? Do you mean that tech is not seeing as bad of job losses as financial or RE jobs? Because the tech related job sectors are down 3.3% YOY. Also, OC has some of the most VC money when it comes to the percentage of tech companies/jobs in OC. IRCC only SV has more VC money than OC. I'd search the OCR for the articles they did on how much money was being sloshed around OC, but to be honest, I don't feel like it.
<blockquote>I know Google and Blizzard are still actively hiring, along with the company I'm at. Broadcom hired one of my friends a month ago in a non-tech job. I have a feeling OC will ride out the storm with the exception of the Mortgage companies.</blockquote>
I'm not trying to push buttons, but what do you mean by riding out the storm? Is that aside from the financial and RE jobs OC will have job growth, or the job losses will not be as bad? I'm glad your company is hiring, and so are the others you cite, but for every one tech person, like yourself, I hear two tech people who say the opposite. I mean, <a href="http://www.calmis.ca.gov/file/lfmonth/oran$pds.pdf">every sector is the red except for health care</a>. Judging by what Petah says, health care isn't that healthy either. In fact, the tech related sectors are below 2004 job levels.
So... am I missing something in your post, or misinterpreting something? Because, what I read from your post is not being seen in the numbers. Have you been hanging out with Panda again?
<a href="http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/industry_sectors/media/article5391660.ece">Even Google is cutting back</a>.