What has silenced the conversation?

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I have noticed (as has PatStar) a decrease in posts both here and at OCR and I'm wondering what that's actually due to:

1. Start of school? Parents too busy to post (but I assume there is an even split here between parents and non-parents)
2. Close out of Woodbury? No more sheeple to mock.
3. Irvine-haters out of ammo? Irvine prices didn't fall into a black hole and Woodbury sold through faster than ANYONE expected.
4. Too many K-Pop hijacks? One minute we're talking about the price of an entry level detached SFR, next minute ?? ??!!
5. Not enough 3-car garage listings? I personally feel that is the issue.
6. Irvine real estate is boring... Santa Ana is much more exciting?

Even the IHB doesn't seem to have as many comments lately... and the ones they do are the same regurgitation of "Keep gov out of real estate!".

What's your theory?
7.  Run out of gas.  Its been 3+ years, and the correction isn't in. 

And worse, the economy is in the toilet, so even the "median" household is less likely to want to buy, even if they could "afford" it.  If  you have the median $100k income, and buy the "newly affordable" (due to low interest rates) $500k Irvine 4/2 in el camino, you are stuck there for a long, long time.  what if your $100k job moves to Texas?

Personally, I'm thinking of joining the out-migration.
Considering historical corrections ran in 7-year cycles... we still have a few more years to see. And just like O-Arms/NinjaLoans made the last up cycle last longer than normal... the Gubment Intervention seems to be having the same effect on the down cycle.

I just find it interesting that the tone of the IHB has gone into "Blame the Fed" mode because it's putting the kibosh on their schadenfreude party. Little do they remember that they all claimed there was nothing the government could do to stop the bleeding... and now they are mad because they have egg on their face.

Edit: Typo.
i agree a lot of the chatter has died down due to less activity in the NHC...

it would be great to hear from those that have moved in already and see how they're finding the new homes/communities.
There's been a fall off everywhere. It's partly due to school coming back in and lack of any "tape bomb's" going off (Tape bombs are the old guys standing around a ticker tape as it unspools with news of the market crash) What's to discuss? Prices are still flat, rates are still very low, and it's tough to find a compelling reason to buy. The message boards will perk up once the elections are over or some other big event percolates to the surface.

Don't know why the European PIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Spain) story isn't getting much traction. Bond risk is approaching the same levels seen during the crisis a couple of months ago. If that situation continues to bubble up, money will come to stocks and US mortgage Backed Securities quickly.

Wonder how things are going over at NKT or Lennar's building complex on the westside of Jamboree. I drove by Laguna Crossings last Sunday and did not see much additional work being done. They may be winding down in anticipation of the winter rains coming. Who knows.

My .02c

Soylent Green Is People.
mm well, I personally just plain got really busy at work, but for a while all the new posts were just "what kind of drapes should I buy for my new 2010 collection home" and that's not at all related to real estate in general so there's only so many times you can see people say "don't buy from the builder" before its boring.

We could start making random predictions and see what gets the most votes! and then we can go around proselytizing whatever the group decides on --  lets do 5 possible irvine related ones and 5 OC overall ones. 

I'll start:

3cwg homes will all shoot up in value by 100k over their (otherwise) comparable counterparts because IHO has made them so attractive that everyone decides to buy one.

Donald Bren will be the oldest man alive to get pregnant.

The 2010 new home collection owners will start waking up with scratches all over their arms and legs, because it turns out that they actually built it on an ancient kitty graveyard.

Someone think of 2 more.
And we'll need some OC ones too.  And we can do some national economic predictions.  And then everyone should vote for one in each category and that will be the offical TI party line -- no one is welcome unless they agree about the ancient kitty burial grounds, or whatever.

or people could post properties for sale in irvine and elsewhere and we could all just discuss.  2 or 3 a week.
I didn't know cats died... 9 lives and all.

3CWG make themselves attractive... I have nothing to do with it.

Does Don Bren's ex GF kind of look like Octomom? I must say she looks better at 55 than he does at 78.

My two:

1. The real reason BK trashes Irvine is because he really wants to move back... but needs the prices on 3CWG homes to be lower.
2. Graphrix secretly loves Irvine too... but he wants to look cool to his friends so he says he likes North Tustin instead.

Edit: More typos.

1) Getting burned out after waiting 4 yrs for an Irvine price crash.

2) Same topics rehashed over and over.

3) No new TIC projects to trash talk.

4) I am busy thinking of ways to spend Bren's IRS check  :)
Summer doldrums
No new projects to discuss
No drastic price reductions on new collection homes
waiting for the other shoe to drop
wants to know what's not a WTF price on existing products
The board is simply too hard for many people to find. So the people who participate slowly fade away and there is not enough new blood joining the conversation.......
It was initially suggested to have blogs and some kind of technical analysis of irvine or oc realestate market. this will help to have a higher rank on the google. it will be easy to pick any interesting listing and write anything about it on a daily or weekly basis, may not be technical but still something interesting and fun for people to read.
I try to post polls and topics that I think are interesting but some may view them as just more KPop fodder threads.

I think a large part of it is the permabears can't keep saying "how badly the prices are going to drop no matter what the gubs does" because they've seen firsthand how they were -- how do I say this politically -- "not totally right". Seems to be a general malaise not only here but on the IHB and OCR... not much to talk about because not much happening real estate wise... other than these record low interest rates... stuff seems to be leveling off.

In addition, the Irvine dislikers have moved on to their own sandbox so there isn't multiple perspectives that a conversation needs in order to continue. I don't know if any of the regular posters are qualified to do a "technical analysis" of Irvine or OC Real Estate (other than our resident realtors) but we do have SGIP to give us snippets of loan broker news.

I would like to discuss elementary school education more but I don't seem to get much hits on those subjects. And sports also seems to get a low response rate.

I guess we'll have to wait until TIC opens up Laguna Crossing to get jumping again.
From another thread (http://www.talkirvine.com/index.php?topic=1172.msg12817#msg12817):
PatStar said:
I don't know, I just find the singular focus on Woodbury at Talk Irvine board facinating. [...]
I think that's a bit hyperbolic, there are numerous discussions here that don't involve Woodbury. None of my recent polls actually involve Woodbury... Talyssa has been posting threads regarding real estate in general.

And to be honest, if I had to choose between Woodbury and politics... I think Woodbury is a safer venue of discussion. And just wait until the NBA season... gonna try to suck in some TI people in for Fantasy Hoops (I'm looking at you fe9000).
I don't really frequent those type of places so it's probably going to be online although in-person drafting is much more fun with the trash talk and all (but also takes much longer).

So does that mean jumpcut is in for the TI Fantasy Hoops league?
jumpcut said:
irvinehomeowner said:
So does that mean jumpcut is in for the TI Fantasy Hoops league?

Only if the draft is at Cafe Lu!  Actually, I've never been there myself but I hear there is someone on an Orange County based forum who even knows when the shifts change.
Ahhh Cafe Lu, nice eye candy.  It's been a while since I ventured over there.
jumpcut said:
I'm trying to stay on his good side so he can tell me exactly where the lucky red towel is located.  I would have clicked on the link in his post, but I was afraid my computer might catch an STD.
If you're afraid of your computer getting an STD... following the red towel would be even worse.