What could happen if you do landscaping without submitting a plan to HOA

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
bones said:
Who is the HOA?  Is it Keystone?  The HOA tends to be much more strict in the early phases to try to set precedent.  Plus the HOA Board probably consists of one (or more) developer representatives at this point (rather than homeowners who tend to be a bit more lenient).

I finally found my docs.  Ours is PCM, not Keystone.  PCM is the same as out in Stonegate.
OpenSky said:
My new favorite story happened a couple weeks ago - we closed escrow in Northpark, went to the house to bask in the empty home. Opened the mailbox and found a violation for landscape. The offending item was a stake support for a mature tree; the HOA received a complaint about it. I walked over to the tree and pulled the 1" thick, 2' high stake from the dirt. Now I need to write a letter explaining the violation is cleared !

All this is to say, my experience in multiple HOAs of various sizes matches yours - we are ALL under the microscope.

Nothing like a violation letter to welcome you to the neighborhood!  Yikes!  I hope they don't require a photo or video of you pulling out the stake.

I've never had landscaping before so this is my first time.  I've gotten into plenty of issues with my old 6x6 patio with my old condo association.  The concept of a "bench" went on with us for 2+ years.  I bought a Target bench, which the HOA said is NOT a bench but a storage unit.  Since I refused to spent another X dollars replacing it, the HOA refused to fix my cracked concrete patio.

OMG the drama over that bench.  Anyhow I sucked it up, gave the Target bench to my mother-in-law.  Bought another bench from Overstock.com which is ALSO a storage unit but becomes it's made of wicker the HOA accepted and my concrete got repaired.

I just had my meeting with Andru and he drew lines in my yard to go over the final details of it.  So excited about my landscaping project.  Nothing like a landscaper that knows the HOA rules inside & out to take care of landscaping.
Who is Adru?  What price is he quoting and is your backyard big?
jmoney74 said:
Andru is KS Landscaping. My backyard is the standard 10' setback.  Except it's less than 10' now because the wall cuts into my setback.  I don't know the price yet because our initial idea got thrown out the window due to small size. Trees need a certain setback and it's now cutting into my pathway in the yard.