Weird Agreement Contract!! Please Help~~

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
most likely your neighbor will be Asian; typical Asian behavior is that they don't want any trouble and don't complain too much. So you can go ahead and still do the hardwood flooring provided the contractor does a solid job. Don't worry about complaints from your neighbor.
I'm guessing this is Caserta Plan 3 or 3X. (Only one in Cypress Village which fits your description).
The HOA has the right to dictate interior flooring choices. Heres how it works:

1) You close with cleap carpet.
2) You replace said cheap carpet with wood.
3) Neighbor complains about noise.
4) Neighbor complains about noise.
5) Neighbor complains about noise.
6) Board investigates, finds nonstandard flooring in violation of CCR's, fines you as a "motivational tool" to replace wood with cheap carpet.

Moral of the story: If you want wood or tile, walk softly, be a good neighbor, and join the HOA board to amend this rule.
I guess - that's the rule.

Sounds kind of communist to me! If they can control what type of floor - when it's a reasonable/common/industry standard.

It's almost puts them at a disadvantage when they want to sell their home. When another home has a wood floor, and your floor doesn't.
This type of rule would not apply to a "detached" single family home as you would not share any common walls or floors.
paperboyNC said:
Don't buy the house then. You shouldn't have to beg to spend $500,000+. Find a builder that wants to earn your money.


eyephone said:
Are you getting a good deal on the place? I hope you didn't buy in SG because it's ridiculously over priced, right now.

Not that one. Yes I found out it's not worth it. Then I turned down the the statement.
Maybe I was the one too sensitive on that agreement... or....
Agreement means: 'You accept and agree their unknown code, their unknown law, their unknown construction term or their own set of theories.