Weekday bedtime and time to get up...

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[quote author="PeterUK" date=1243988312]I go to Bed when I'm tired and get up when I wake up, the only exception is a group ride which I do once or twice a week to Laguna and back, we roll at 8am so I have to be up by 7...

Every morning is like a Saturday morning.</blockquote>

<em>Could have also read:</em>

Every morning is like a Monday morning.

I like your attitude.
[quote author="JoonB" date=1243980381]I go to bed at around 9:30 pm. If I run in the morning, I get up at 4:30 am to go running. If I don't run, I get up at 5:30-5:45 am.</blockquote>
Do you find running to be enjoyable when it's still dark and cold outside that early? It feels weird for me to wake up when it's still dark outside.
I actually had to buy a treadmill. I was running outside when it was around 5 am and was scared out of my mind. I know- it's Irvine running around the Yale Loop, but I have had 3 incidents (one involving a coyote and one where a guy came running out of Stone Creek Elementary school at that hour of the morning- and the sudden appearance of that guy made the adrenalin really high and i was running so fast until I could hit Barranca.). Those incidents combined with the fact that my husband often works in Pasadena 2x a week and leaves at 4:30 am and having 2 kids to watch- it was practical to break down and get a treadmill. With the markets, I need to be up anyways and see how Europe is trading.
[quote author="JoonB" date=1243998459]I actually had to buy a treadmill. I was running outside when it was around 5 am and was scared out of my mind. I know- it's Irvine running around the Yale Loop, but I have had 3 incidents (one involving a coyote and one where a guy came running out of Stone Creek Elementary school at that hour of the morning- and the sudden appearance of that guy made the adrenalin really high and i was running so fast until I could hit Barranca.). Those incidents combined with the fact that my husband often works in Pasadena 2x a week and leaves at 4:30 am and having 2 kids to watch- it was practical to break down and get a treadmill. With the markets, I need to be up anyways and see how Europe is trading.</blockquote>
Trading for work and personal accounts or both? I never considered taking the European and Asian markets. Stratch that, I better not or I'll become a walking zombie during the week trading to trade all day long. haha
In bed between 11 30 -12 30

Awake 7 15-730

I usually try to get 8 hours a night as I rely on sleep for energy (not a coffee fan) but haven't been so good at it lately. Weekends I usually get 9-10 hours a night unless its snowboarding season.

I am a portfolio manager- we focus only on International- and mostly local shares, but we do have an ADR strategy.
I go to bed between 11 p.m. and 1 a.m. and I'm usually irritated at myself for not getting to bed sooner. I get up between 6 and 6:30 a.m., and I join the rat race on the 5/405N at 7:30am. I also rely on 9-10 hours sleep/night on the weekends.
Bed around midnight. Up at 4:30 a.m. on M,W,F. Up at 7 all other days except Saturday. Sleep interrupted on average about two times a night by the little one. I want more hours in the day.
we are putting down our son now at around 7-7:30; free time for us!!! now sleeping at around 9:30-10; wife wakes up around 12 or 1 to feed; then around 4 or 5; I get up after like 7 to play with the baby until she gets up; around 9...
You guys are making me thankful for my 10-12 hour little sleepers. We seem to have a middle of the night episode only about once every couple of weeks now, but I remember the days of little sleep very well. Once the naps were gone, the nighttime sleeping was much more consistent (and earlier!).
[quote author="tmare" date=1244028499]You guys are making me thankful for my 10-12 hour little sleepers. We seem to have a middle of the night episode only about once every couple of weeks now, but I remember the days of little sleep very well. Once the naps were gone, the nighttime sleeping was much more consistent (and earlier!).</blockquote>

My big boy has been sleeping 10 hours since he was six weeks old. He's still a heavy sleeper and will sleep up to 14 hours on non-school mornings if we let him. Our problem is the little one. He's always been a light sleeper. He stopped napping a year ago and his bed time got even later. It's sort of weird how you can do the exact same procedures with two kids and they turn out so different... of course any parent of multiple kids knows what I'm talking about.
[quote author="SoCal78" date=1244062112][quote author="tmare" date=1244028499]You guys are making me thankful for my 10-12 hour little sleepers. We seem to have a middle of the night episode only about once every couple of weeks now, but I remember the days of little sleep very well. Once the naps were gone, the nighttime sleeping was much more consistent (and earlier!).</blockquote>

My big boy has been sleeping 10 hours since he was six weeks old. He's still a heavy sleeper and will sleep up to 14 hours on non-school mornings if we let him. Our problem is the little one. He's always been a light sleeper. He stopped napping a year ago and his bed time got even later. It's sort of weird how you can do the exact same procedures with two kids and they turn out so different... of course any parent of multiple kids knows what I'm talking about.</blockquote>

No kidding, my oldest started sleeping through the night a bit at 3 months and consistently at 5 months, the first time my youngest did the same she was almost 1 year. When you actually start getting to sleep all night yourself, it's amazing how quickly you forget those crazy days (I guess it's kind of like pregnancy). Although now that there are no more naps, my youngest starts asking to go "nightnight" at about 6:00 pm. The few times one of them does wake up in the middle of the night actually feels like torture now, whereas before it was just normal.
Tmare - are you guys all done night-time potty training? We are having additional stresses due to our oldest one wetting the bed. (Getting up to change the sheets and everything.) Man, we really need a parenting section.
My son potty trained at 2 1/2 in about 1 week and has actually only wet the bed one time when he was sick since then. I put a pull up on him for about a month at bedtime until I realized I was just throwing away a clean pull up every morning. My youngest still goes to bed with a pull up, I just don't have the energy to deal with it and I figure it will work itself out eventually.
[quote author="SoCal78" date=1244064122]Man, we really need a parenting section.</blockquote>

I'd be more than happy to create a Parenting forum if you'd consider being the moderator for it ;)
[quote author="SoCal78" date=1244064122]Tmare - are you guys all done night-time potty training? We are having additional stresses due to our oldest one wetting the bed. (Getting up to change the sheets and everything.) Man, we really need a parenting section.</blockquote>

When our oldest went through a period of wetting the bed, I started layering an extra fitted sheet so all we had to do was partially strip the bed and put him right back to sleep. The layers went like this:


waterproof mattress pad

fitted sheet

<a href="http://www.onestepahead.com/catalog/product.jsp?productId=6773&cmSource=Search">waterproof mattress protector</a>

another fitted sheet on top

Much easier to take stuff off the bed vs. try to find new sheets, etc. and put them on at 1am...

<a href="http://www.onestepahead.com/catalog/product.jsp?productId=484760&cmSource=Search">These were helpful too.</a> My 4-year old son wouldn't have anything to do with Under Jams or similar nighttime diaper-like products. Fortunately we haven't had any "accidents" in many months... I think the bed-wetting was associated with selling our condo and moving to a new place. A little unconscious anxiety about the change.
Hey, thanks, Ipop!

I do that layering method with our diaper changing pad so I don't know why it never dawned on me to do it to the bed! That is a great idea. Thanks. He'll still probably want help changing out of and into new pj's but at least this will cut down the time we're up at night. Awesome.
[quote author="tmare" date=1244066397]My son potty trained at 2 1/2 in about 1 week and has actually only wet the bed one time when he was sick since then. I put a pull up on him for about a month at bedtime until I realized I was just throwing away a clean pull up every morning. My youngest still goes to bed with a pull up, I just don't have the energy to deal with it and I figure it will work itself out eventually.</blockquote>

I got the younger one potty trained a little before 2, and used pull ups at night in winter. But these days, I just give her milk after dinner at 7 pm, take her to the restroom at 8 before she sleeps. If she wakes up 8 am next morning, there is no problem at all. Just to be on the safe side, the days that she skips dinner and drinks milk to fill her up (she is obsessed with milk- struggling to limit her intake and make her eat real food), I use pull ups.

Yeah, throwing away the clean ones is not a good feeling- they are expensive:-)
[quote author="SoCal78" date=1244062112][quote author="tmare" date=1244028499]You guys are making me thankful for my 10-12 hour little sleepers. We seem to have a middle of the night episode only about once every couple of weeks now, but I remember the days of little sleep very well. Once the naps were gone, the nighttime sleeping was much more consistent (and earlier!).</blockquote>

My big boy has been sleeping 10 hours since he was six weeks old. He's still a heavy sleeper and will sleep up to 14 hours on non-school mornings if we let him. Our problem is the little one. He's always been a light sleeper. He stopped napping a year ago and his bed time got even later. It's sort of weird how you can do the exact same procedures with two kids and they turn out so different... of course any parent of multiple kids knows what I'm talking about.</blockquote>

We have the exact same problem. Older one will sleep-sleep-sleep and the younger one has stopped taking afternoon naps already, does a 8 pm to 8 am, waking up at 4 am sharp to hop into either sister's bed, or mommy's. Depends on her energy level. Older one never woke up at night to even drink water.