Watch your step at The Spectrum

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Watch your step at Irvine Spectrum. 💩 🐕 Just got back from there tonight. I was greeted by a dog turd right in front of Kay Jewelers that I nearly stepped in while walking inside. Dogs everywhere. A lady was blocking the entrance with her super long leash which is a tripping hazard after dark in a shopping center! I then went into L'occitane and must have crossed ten more dogs just going a few doors down. I went over to the Christmas Tree. Dogs fighting with other people's dogs, crazy loud barking and snarling. It was making a scene with everyone staring. Dog poop in several more spots just laying there on the pavers where the crowds walk. To the Spectrum's credit, a worker was furiously sweeping. I'm pretty sure she's mostly on dog duty because by the time I walked back, the poop was gone. These dog owners don't even pick up after their pets. Gross. Imo, dog culture is totally out of control. You don't need to bring your fake service dog with you every single place you go.
This was one of my Friday Pet Peeves.

I dislike this current trend of people bringing their dogs into stores where there are signs that clearly say "No pets". And the employees don't seem to discourage. At a Target they were even fawning over someone's dog.

And we have a dog... and I understand the sentiment, but they really don't belong in stores and restaurants unless they are allowed (like Lazy Dog Cafe).