30K for landscaping? Wow. Time for me to run over to Loews and see what the hell is going on! Maybe its time for me to switch occupations. As for floors, I'd never get them from a builder... the flooring they offer isn't even real wood. IMHO, a real wood floor is a floor where the guy lays a sub-floor, nails in the oak, sands it, stains it, and then seals it. I already got a quote for around 19K for the entire downstairs just to see what costs I might be looking at. As for shutters, etc, I figured on around 10K. 1.08 + 19K + 10K = 1,110,000, or 78K less than the Roosmore... but then, 78K is only a 6-7% reduction on the Rossmore, not out of the question for the seller I suppose...I think psychologically however, the re-sale house would have to sell at a discount to the new home... 1m on the Roosmore? Well, that'd be more of an 15-18% reduction... might be a while before a seller would eat that... it is a nice house however.