I know the tax plan sucks for people like me, where my primary source of income is wages. I'm losing out on deductions that are important to me. I am definitely not the 1%, far below it. My taxes are absolutely going up.
But uber wealthy and corporations are getting huge tax cuts. If you're going to market the plan as a tax cut to the middle class, at least keep some of the deductions they depend on. I understand that politicians need to put their spin on things to appeal to their constituents. But there's a difference between putting a spin on things and straight up lying. Right now that's what we're facing. Our politicians are straight up lying to us, with a straight face. I'm pretty pissed about it.
If you could give the wealthy a 30% tax cut, and give the rest of us a 20% tax cut, at least that's more equitable. But this is straight up more like 50% cut to the wealthy, and then many of us non-wealthy CA homeowners are going to have a tax increase. Even worse, once the deficit starts climbing as a result of the bill (and it absolutely will based on several non-partisan projections), they will justify cutting more entitlement programs like medicare/welfare/social security. This is theft by the wealthy from the middle class and the poor. If you own corporations or pass through entities (wealthy), your tax rate is getting cut almost in half. If you have an estate worth $10MM or $20MM or even more, the estate tax just went away. That's hundreds of millions of dollars for the Trump family alone. And he can say with a straight face this bill is not good for him?!?!
I think the stock market will celebrate the tax bill, but in a few short years it will trigger a recession when the middle class and the poor have less money to buy essentials, the deficit increases, and the tax bill doesn't generate the add'l growth that was part of their forecast.