Transition Laguna The Great Unleashing Party

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program


New member
This thread is a great lead-in and a sneak peak to what I like to do...  Too bad I can't make it this weekend, I got a convention to go to... but if any of you go, please be sure tell me and us all about it!!!

Transition Laguna Beach is the 10th official Transition Town Community in the United States and the 129th in the world. Please join us in this hopeful movement. Transition Towns are spreading across the globe as communities work together to develop practical alternatives to fuel-based economies. Transition Laguna embraces a new energy future that is abundant, local, innovative, and truly sustainable.

Friday, May 14th, 6:00 - 10:00pm

Community Action Breakfast - Saturday, May 15th from 9:00am - Noon

Put your ideas into action at Tivoli Terrace, Festival of the Arts Grounds.
Free Breakfast, Join us in creating a sustainable future for Laguna. We call this "Open Space", a playful, yet focused opportunity to create action groups and engage in your community. Don't miss this event! >>