Toyota moving to Texas

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
We are in a "Post Christian America" environment as religious identification and church attendance is falling. This is a discussion however for another thread.

I think the post would be better framed as the area being full of Dave Ramsey type fiscal conservatives.
This is how Venezuela did it, nationalization of the oil industry. Worked great there!!👍🏽🤦🏽‍♂️👎🏽😡😡😡

Is California government considering oil refinery takeovers? Yes, it is​

Russia. China. Venezuela. Iran. More than a dozen countries make gasoline at state-owned refineries.

Could California be next on the list?
“The state recognizes that they’re on a pathway to more refinery closures,” said Skip York, chief energy strategist at energy consultant Turner Mason & Co. The risk to consumers and the state’s economy, he said, is gasoline supply disappearing faster than consumer demand, resulting in fuel shortages, higher prices and severe logistical challenges.

Thank you boy King and the fools we chose to represent us…we are our own worst enemy…🤦🏽‍♂️👎🏽😡😡😡

‘California’s High Gas Prices and Supply Dilemmas are Self-Inflicted’

Today, I paid $5.15 per gallon of gas in Sacramento, while the AAA national average is $3.078. In Texas today, a gallon of gas will cost you $2.45 to $3.29 – the average in Texas is $2.68. As Professor Mische notes in his study, “Since January 1995 through January 20, 2025, Californians have been paying, on average, 13.1% more for their gasoline than the rest of the nation. Not surprisingly, the average price of retail gasoline in California on March 11, 2025, was $4.694 a gallon, or 52.35% higher per gallon for all formulations than the national average price for gasoline at $3.081, according to AAA.”

It is no secret that California is its own worst enemy. There have been articles exposing this for decades, and now we have 50 years of irrefutable data thanks to Professor Mische. Oil and gas and California refiners “have not engaged in widespread price gouging, profiteering, price manipulation, ‘unexplained residual prices’ or surcharges, magical or otherwise.”

However, Governor Gavin Newsom, who is currently preoccupied with his new vanity podcast may want to consider talking to oil and gas industry officials – something he has failed to do in his 6 years as California’s governor.

There is no excuse for Newsom’s negligence of an industry which is an economic powerhouse in the state, providing hundreds of thousands of jobs, over $50 million in paychecks to workers, and billions in state, local and federal taxes.